Chapter 16: Leave!

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Lexi's POV

Livi fell...!

Before she got to low down I grab her arm, half of my body hanging off the building.

I just notice that hundreds of people were watching, they caught the footage of when Rose pushed Livi!!

"Help!" I screamed as loud as I can. I am not ever letting go of Livi, I can't loose my sister.

"Let me go Lexi, you can still live. I'm pulling you down." She told me.

"Livi no, I will never leave you behind. We promise each other in pre-k that we will never do that. I am keeping my promise." I told her crying.

"Someone! HELP!" I screamed again.

Just then Julian and Jovani came running through the broken door.

"Oh shit! Lexi! Livi!" Julian yelled as him and Jovani pulled us up.

"What the hell happened?!" Jovani yelled.

"I'll tell you later but right now I gotta find that wanna-be Barbie." I said storm in off to our hotel room.

I got there and I broke the door down again...

"WHERE THE HELL IS ROSE!?" I screamed at everyone as Hunter came out with Rose clinging onto him.

I went up to Rose an started yelling at her.


"If you're so mad then why don't you hit me?" She smirked.

"Oh maybe because it'll be animal abuse and I don't want slut on my hand." I smirked back.

"Eh ok then I guess I can just do it again if you don't care enough to hit me." She said walking away.

I turn her around and punch her square in the jaw.

"PENDEJA! DEJA MI HERMANA EMPAS! ELLA DO NESSESITA ESTO PUTA!" (Pendeja and puta, my two fave Spanish words. Btw the rest says 'Leave my sister alone! She doesn't need this') I screamed as I kept punching her.

Someone grabbed me and threw me to the side. I hit my head on the corner of a wall and I fall to the ground.

I look up and see that it was Hunter...

"You fucker, you don't know what she did to us do you?" I asked him spitting out blood since I also bit my tongue.

I felt my head and pulled my hand back, I see my hand all red from blood.

"It's official, you don't care about Olivia anymore." I said before I passed out from blood loss.

*at a hospital*

I woke up and all I hear are beeps and I smell disinfectant. Gross.

My eyes flutter open and I see Mario, Livi, Alexa, Kaylee, Sav, Geo, Julian, Jovani, Brandon and Faith.

Hunter wasn't here...

"G-Guys? What happened?" I asked them with a raspy voice.

They immediately look up and smile.

"Lexi you're awake!" Sav ran and hugged me as well as everyone else.

"L-Livi come here." I said and she and giving me some water too.

I chugged down the water and let out air.

"Livi he did this. Hunter..." I told her as she gasped and she was on the verge of tears.

"I'm sorry Livi but he did." I told her a she hugged me as I winced in pain.

"Damn what did he break?" I asked as I rolled to my side that didn't feel hurt.

"The doctors said they still need to take some tests before you leave, your bones have been fully healed but you will still feel pain from being in a coma..." Geo was the one who game me the news.

"Coma? H-How long?" I asked.

"*sigh* eight months." Alexa told me.

"Hunter didn't come back when we found you, he's been gone for a while." Brandon told me rubbing his face.

I just realized that Mario left the room a while ago.

"Can you guys get Mario? I have I talk to him alone." I asked them, needing to see what's up.

They each hugged me softly before leaving the room to get Mario.

When Mario finally came into the room he looked anywhere but me. I winced as I try to sit up so he finally comes to me and helps me up.

"Mario what's up? You aren't talking to me, much less looking at me? Why?" I asked him.

"Because I was worried about you. I sat here for months waiting for you to finally wake up. Crying to sleep, talking to you even though I knew you wouldn't respond, praying that you would stay with me. It was hard Alexia." He said, ad what he said worried me. He used to call me Lexi...

"Mario, that's not it. Something else happened and you're not telling me." I said looking at him.

He looked up and stared at me right in the eye.

"I have a new girlfriend." He told me plainly, with no more emotions now.

Did you all hear that? That was my heart breaking into a million pieces.

He just walked out of the hospital room and shut the door as if nothing happened. While I'm here already sobbing about him.

He was my first crush, first boyfriend, first kiss, and my first love. Now he leaves me. Even after he tells me he loves me!

Livi, Sav, Kaylee, and Alexa came in and they asked what happened.

"H-He lied to me." Is all I told them.

I can't believe my one and only love, broke me...
Dang Mario! What a big jerk, she just wakes up and you tell her that!? Like jeeze come on!

Ok guys see ya next time we update! Bye. ~Lexi

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