
10 1 1

Spotlight on

Live goes on

But you never check

You gave me a heart attack

You walk down the street

And everyone can see

That you are born for the


Spo spo spotlight

Spo spo spotlight

But if I see you I know

You're not happy

But why

Everything you do is a game

Spotlight on

Live goes on

But you never check

You gave me a heart attack

I see you look so pretty

But I know you aren't happy

So tell me what's your problem

Maybe I can help you

But you love this spotlight and play a game

Spotlight on

Live goes on

But you never check

You gave me a heart attack

You like to play

But your real face is not there

Every smile is fake

But you like the spotlight.

So you Play this until you

Know what true love mean

When you know what it mean

The spotlight isn't important anymore

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