Desperate Times

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I appear back in my house, my cheeks still burning from embarrassment.  Stupid me. Why did God make such a stupid son. I finally found out what's been going on with my body and tried to embrace it like God told me. Why would I say 'I love you' to a guy who couldn't possibly like me. I could've sworn he liked me when he took my hand... No Cas, no time to get upset over this, I need to find Death, and have him kill me. I refuse to let everyone I care about die. I know everyone doesn't want me to do this, but I don't see any other way. It was only a matter of time before Death would make a steep price. Especially after everything that happened between us. As soon as Death was brought into the Winchester's lives, its been nothing but trouble. When I was fueled by all the souls from Purgatory, Dean and the others tried to use Death to kill me, and I showed up and threatened to kill him. And I knew he would never let one down, but I also thought I was unbeatable and all powerful. But I wasn't. And now the only way to save everyone, is to fix the mistake I made. I zap from my house to an empty field just out of the city. This place is perfect to summon Death, I just need to take the stuff from Sam and Dean to call him here.
"No need" a voice spoke behind me.
I turn around quickly and see Death? Why is he here all ready? Unless...
"You knew I come here didn't you" I said.
"Generally yes, you do anything to help your friends, even if it means you sacrificing yourself" Death said with a chuckle.
He's right...
"Okay then you know why I can't let my friends or this planet die" I say.
"So your willing to die for dirty humans?" He asks.
"Yes I would" I say confidently.
"Well that sickens me... But then again you are the same Angel that almost destroyed the planet."
"So, are you gonna get this over with?" I ask.
He walks up to and looks into my eyes, it was like he was reaching inside of me, and grabbing my soul, as if he already killed me... then he breaks the stare, and sighs.
"Maybe I'll let what you did slide, and help you." He said.
I wasn't sure I heard him right, Death offering to help after everything.
"Why now? I mean don't get me wrong, I'm grateful. But what made you change your mind?"
"Well with you guys on my side it will be easier destroying the Angel of Justice and her followers. But you need to follow my lead" Death said.
"Of course. Thank you sir." I say very appreciative of his sudden change of heart.
"We start tomorrow at dawn don't be late. I've tracked her to Illinois, Chicago. She is in a building guarded by her Angel lackeys. She plans on messing up God's plan more than ever. She's trying to bring back people who didn't deserve to die, back to life from Heaven. Which is a very hard spell to accomplish, but she managed to find the ingredients... It could be chaos" Death said.
"So we have to stop her before she cast the spell" I said.
"She's planning to have the spell ready and finished by dawn." Death said.
"Okay I'll tell the guys" I say.
I prepare to leave, when I feel the coldness of Death's aura washing over me as he begins to speak again.
"And Castiel if you, Dean, or Sam call me again, use me for any plan. Or mess up this one, if you aren't already dead, I will kill each and every one of you." He grabs my shoulder and then his hand disappears, and I turn around and he's gone too...
I appear outside the motel door, and I start to open the door but I stop... I forgot what happened with Dean, me speaking my feelings, and being shot down. What if I walk in and he gets all weird around me, like I'm some kind of monster. Maybe we are just meant to be friends, and I'm supposed to love him and not have the feeling returned... But I can't hide. The world is more important right now. I put my hand on the doorknob and when I open it and go inside, the room was a wreak. The beds were torn apart and there were shotgun holes in the walls and floor. Why didn't anybody come up to check on all this? I looked around for Sam or Dean, I couldn't find either of them.
"Sam! Dean! Where are you?"
I heard a moan from under the bed, it sounds like Sam. I picked the bed up and tossed it aside. Sam was rubbing his head and he had a cut on his forehead.
"Sam, are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine Cas. Where's Dean?"
I looked around the room a bit more, in the bathroom, the shower, no where... Now that I'm looking at the walls closer, I see black goo, but it looks like someone tried to clean it. Then I see some on the floor, I put my finger in it to get a closer look, and I realize what it is.
"Leviathan blood..."
Sam stood up and stumbled over to me.
"Cas what's wrong?" Sam said rubbing  his eyes.
"Dean... He's gone, the Leviathans took him..."

Ohhhh😨!! I really hope you guys are enjoying the story, I actually feel kinda proud about this. Especially since I got more than 100 reads😱. Thank you so much! You know how to make a person happy😊.

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