Chapter 2

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“So you mean he just left without saying anything to you?” My best friend, Aubrey, asks me as we’re sat in my room eating out of a bag of chocolate-covered berries.

“Yeah! It was the weirdest thing ever, first he was all intense and mysterious and the next thing he’s gone.” I shrugged, remembering the exact scene in my head.

Ever since it happened yesterday, it’s been on my mind non-stop and I haven’t thought about anything else. The oddest thing is that Niall didn’t even talk to me for the rest of the day, even though we had three other classes together he didn’t do as little as look my direction. But then again, I would be too shy if he actually did talk to me, so there’s really no winning in my case.

“He’s probably just trying to lead you on. Don’t give him a second thought; there will be other guys out there for you anyway.” Aubrey shrugged her shoulders and stood up from my bed, showing off her tall, thin body and walking into the kitchen.

Aubrey was a model, and she has been since she was fourteen. Ever since we met in year six, she’s been tall and thin, even though she eats a ton, which of course I’m super jealous of. I mean, I’m naturally thin as well just because I have a high metabolism, but my body is awkwardly thin, Aubrey’s is a beautiful thin.

Really, everything about her was stunning; her body, her dark-blue eyes, her short light brown hair, and of course her personality. Apparently I wasn’t the only one who thought she was absolutely flawless, because now she’s a famous super model doing magazines and fashion shows every week all over the world, and she’s also snagged herself a fit lad that went to our middle and high school; Konrad Marshall.

Konrad was a whole other story. Aubrey had liked him since we were twelve, probably because he was exactly her type; basketball player, tall, fit body, funny, etc. Everything about him made her go weak at the knees, but they didn’t have a proper conversation until sophomore year when Aubrey was on the cover of a local fashion magazine and everyone saw it. Konrad took particular interest and chatted her up; I can still remember the exciting phone call she had made to me when Konrad asked her out later that week.

Long story short, they’ve been dating for almost three years and have been going strong since. I could have a boyfriend if I actually tried, but I’ve never been one to focus all my energy and time on guys. They end up breaking your heart anyway, so why even try in the first place?

“I don’t know, Aubs.” I remarked, trailing behind her into the kitchen and sitting down at the island. “I keep thinking about him, I don’t know why. He’s not even my type, he’s got tattoos and pierced ears and a snakebite. Total bad boy, but he’s so gorgeous.” I explained, biting my lip in confusion over my own thoughts.

“Well, what is it that you like so much about him?” Aubrey questioned, grabbing some chocolate soy milk from the fridge and pouring a big glass. She wasn’t even lactose-intolerant, but she always drank soy milk all day every day, one of her many weird antics.

“Well…” I trailed off, thinking about what exactly it was that intrigued me so immensely. I hadn’t talked to Niall very much, or interacted with him in any way, but the answer had been floating around my mind since I first saw him.

“His eyes are probably the most alluring, brilliant color of blue I’ve ever seen…” I started blushing at the memory of his eyes locking with mine; they’re sparkle bouncing off my deep brown ones. Aubrey’s own eyes widened at me like I had gone mad.

“Really, Hadley? You like this kid because of his bloody eyeballs?” She shouted incredulously and waved her arms about.

“No! It’s more than that.” I scoffed, leaning back in my chair. “You don’t get it, if you felt what I was feeling it would make more sense.”

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