Chapter 28

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A sort of informal meeting was called the next morning by Leo to discuss our next move, well really it was just for Niall and Zayn since I wasn't much help, but Niall insisted I listen in on it as well because "she came all this way with us so she deserves to know what's going on."

I liked that Niall tried to include me, because honestly nobody had given me a clear explanation about everything as far as I know, so I was eager to be part of the team once I sat down at the table, tea in hand with my jimjams still on (I decided shorts and a t-shirt were more appropriate than what I actually wore to bed). But as soon as the lads started talking about weapons they'd carry and what signals to use and whether or not they'd ambush Bobby and his guys or just simply confront him, I became lost.

It was hard to follow, with each boy interjecting and adding new scenarios of attack, after a while it felt more like a political debate. I hate politics.

Niall tried so hard to get me in the conversation by asking things like "That alright with you?" or "Are you following along?" and I'd just nod like I understood every word coming out of their mouths. Even Zayn would give me pitiful side glances because he seemed to be the only one who realized how incredibly lost I was.

"At the moment we don't know their exact whereabouts, but Max and Olly are tracking them down as we speak. I'll call them after this for an update." Leo spoke with a powerful but soft demeanor, and Zayn and Niall sort of bowed their heads like a dog to its master when he talked. Zayn treated Leo like any other member of his family when they were just hanging out, but once it got down to work, he beamed respect for him. I safely assumed that Leo must be the leader of whatever clan they were a part of.

"What happened to the chip I put in Bobby's coat before we left Wolverhampton?" Niall asked.

Chip? I don't remember him doing that.

"It must've fallen out, or he could have found it. If so, he won't be very happy about that." Leo warned, and it was at that point I gathered all of the information and thought, oh god, I could die if this doesn't go well.

That thought stayed with me for the rest of the makeshift meeting, and needless to say I had a silent panic attack.

Leo ended up calling whoever Max and Olly were, saying that they tracked Bobby down in London far away from where we were. After quick discussion it was agreed that we all leave first thing tomorrow, which gave us the rest of the day to do whatever we pleased.

That took a lot of weight off my shoulders, mostly because I knew that we wouldn't be attacked any second from now, and because I wanted to simply lie in bed all day to process the situation. I even got straight back in bed when we went upstairs, but Niall, who was starting to put on a coat and beanie, wagged his finger at me.

"Unh unh, you're coming out with me today."

I groaned and rolled back into the pillows, dreading the thought of leaving this comfortable sanctuary. "Can't we just stay in bed for the day? Rest our muscles for tomorrow?" I mumbled against the soft fabric, but Niall wasn't seeming to have it since his trainers were halfway tied.

"Trust me, you want to come with me." Niall gave an all-knowing grin, and truthfully I couldn't say no to his face or go the rest of the day not knowing what he had in store.

So I reluctantly got out of bed and put on whatever comfortable, warm clothes I had left in my bag. As I ruffled around all the dirty garments to find something fresh, I spotted Niall's jumper that he still didn't know I took. I debated for a second and decided that I might as well just wear it, it was cozy and smelled like Niall.

I walked out of the bathroom with it on and awaited Niall's reaction, but he simply glanced at it and turned to the mirror, putting in some black studs to match the black and white leather jacket he wore.

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