Chapter 12

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Never in a million years did I think that I would be sitting down on Niall Horan’s couch, him next to me and our jean-clad legs brushing against each other but with no hostility or awkwardness that would make me scramble away. Never in a million years did I think that Niall’s arm would be wrapped around my shoulders and my head resting on his chest, an old Disney film playing on the telly but the whole ease and bizarreness of the situation making me watch the concentrated blue eyes instead. Never in a million years did I think my lips would be pressed against those rosy red ones, for real this time and not just in my dreams every night.

Never in a million years seemed a lot closer now, because everything was happening before my eyes.

The choice for us to sit back and watch a film was decided mutually, with Niall’s fingers brushing back against my knuckles like it was middle school all over again and he wasn’t sure what to do next. But I didn’t want these childish games or the long process of turning a crush into a love or simply just a beneficial snog, I wanted to skip it all and be with Niall. I wanted to meet the objective I set months ago and understand what it was like to be with someone so out of my comfort zone.

I no longer felt like I had something to worry about or what my next plan for the day was, the clutter of life seemed to silence itself when I laid there with every part of Niall seeming to calm my nerves. Every whisper spoken in my ear like the moment before a butterfly opens its wings and sets flight, a gasp of wonder and amazement at such beauty and how well the creature catches the attention of even the most stubborn of people.

I didn’t have a problem just staring at Niall features, unique and mysterious, because now I got a chance to do it up close and I wasn’t going to waste my time on a film. I watched the skin by his eyes crinkle whenever he laughed and the way his eyes lit up or how his fingers would mindlessly comb through my hair and then he would blush because he didn’t realize it and pull away without any contact or communication.

I watched to see the real, casual Niall that didn’t have to focus on his emotions to hide what truly was looming behind his golden heart. I watched him because I loved how contradictory he was, a black flower in a sea of white, and the inevitable detail that deep, deep down I had fallen in love with him. I just didn’t consider the facts because no one is supposed to fall in love so young. It wasn’t normal. But it happened without me realizing.

I wasn’t sure what happened next, maybe the film was over or Niall just got amused, but I do know that I saw a smirk twitch on his lips and blue eyes locking with mine not long after. And then I realized how creepy I must look just staring and turned away, pale cheeks turning red.

Niall chuckled. “                If you keep staring I might have to kiss you.” And then he was looking back at me with a mischievous glow that made every bone in my body come alive, lightning awakening something that only Niall made possible.

I looked away and said nothing, biting my lip because the sound of his flesh on mine didn’t sound too bad. Not at all.

“Don’t act like you don’t want to, Hadley.” Niall coaxed, lips dropping down to my neck and peppering kisses up my jaw and ear and then the very corners of my lips, the lips that ached for his arrival. I felt a whimper form in my throat before it disappeared out my mouth and my eyes were closed and my arms linked around his neck before he was hovering over me. I didn’t think, I just craved. Niall was right, I wanted it terribly bad.

Niall’s breath was over my lips, and the thought of us connecting finally entered my mind and that’s all I thought about. But then I felt cold air hit my mouth and the couch shift slightly, opening my eyes as I no longer felt smooth hair in my fingertips. I looked up to see Niall standing over me.

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