Part 16

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Joe's POV


I sat there, drowning in my own misery. God how I wished I could hold her in my arms. Keep her warm, be her guardian angel. But NOO, Joe you had to go and fuck it all up. Classic Joe, the one who fucks it all up. I decided it was time to turn to the only person I thought I could right now. My sister. I rang her 3 times, there was no answer. I gave up and slammed the phone into the sofa, then I heard a ringing noise. But it wasn't her calling me, not Hailey either. It was Beth.
"Hello, what do you want?" I asked in an angry tone.
"J...o.....e, h-h-h-ail-e-y, she i-i-s in the hospit-t-t-al." She said sounding scared and saying it through tears. I fucking jumped up from the sofa, my heart almost skipping a few beats.
"I'm coming, which hospital?" I shouted into the phone whilst grabbing my car keys; opening and locking the door and jumping into my car.
"St Mary's, the big white one on Covent Street, come quick," and then she hang up. I did my seatbelt and put the car into ignition. I pushed down full force onto the accelerator and began my journey to the hospital. I was going well over the speed limit but I couldn't give any shit right now. The one I think I love is in the hospital. I'll put more in if I can get her out. Throughout the whole if the journey I only thought about one thing, her. My perfect Hailey. God I miss her so much. I'm never letting her go again, ever. After around 20 minutes, I arrived at the hospital. I stormed through the doors and ran to the reception as fast as my legs could.
"Hailey Robingson, I'm here visiting her," I said out of breath.
"Visiting hours are over, goodbye," she said nearly shutting the curtain-thing down but I put my hand underneath.
"I'm sorry, but please? I need to see her, I love her," I screamed out and I'm pretty sure everyone heard.
"Fine," she said with no emotion. "Follow me."

She went down corridors through doors and up elevators before we finally reached Hailey's room. I opened the door and saw her laying in the bed, she looked sound asleep or in a coma.
"What's her current condition? What happened?" I said looking at Hailey and grabbing her hand.
"She is currently in a coma, she was put in by her friend Beth who saw her on the bathroom floor with cuts at her wrist." The nurse said from behind me. I turned to look at her, I knew exactly what'd happened. And i caused it.

A/N: is that 3 chapters in a day? Whaaaaaaaaaaa? Yes that's right. Anyways, things are getting dramatic. Hailey's in hospital but where's Beth?
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Thanks for reading, toodles.

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