Part 10

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Hailey's POV


"So by now after 3 hours bonding and building your friendship and all that 'legal' shit. I hope you two now know how to make your 'relationship' look real and truthful. I'm sure you've told each other your names it do forth or you've even heard of each other but just for you. Dylan O'Brien, Hailey Robingson, Hailey Robingson, Dylan O'Brien." Michael said to us. Unfortunately, I only managed to catch a fragment of it as I was staring at Dylan for the most part, he really looks amazing and seems honestly kind-hearted and down to earth.
"Yes, Hailey, you listening?" He asked me, diverting my attention from Dylan to him. "Did you hear any of that?"
Truth or lie I thought, he can't've said anything incredibly important or that I didn't know because Dylan wasn't signalling anything or doing anything to tell me about what he said, as he did earlier when I wasn't listening, he just remained almost lifeless in the chair.
"Yeah, I heard every piece of it?" I said, almost questioning myself. Michael shot me a doubtful glare but I shrugged it off.
"Now Dylan, if you'll excuse us, we have work we need to do." Michael said rather too sternly.
"Bye," I said waving at him as he left. He showed me a toothy grin and my heart melted, I dunked into the chair. What I could still not put my finger on was how he could make me feel this way so quickly, whereas Joe, I did what Dylan did to me, to him. Id fallen for Joe hard but I still couldn't help wondering all this.
"Back on task," Michael snapped, obviously realising I wasn't paying the slightest bit if attention but was simply boarding my own train of thought. One thing about Michael, now he may come across as a mean, very mean manager, but he knows how to do his job and after a while, I've grown to know him and love him as my manager (even though it's been around 8-9 hours).
"Dylan, get Dylan," Michael said to his staff member who was waiting just next to the studio door.
"Okay," and he scurried off down the corridor as of much arks command. Dylan flung the door open and sat down in the chair beside me. I wondered why Michael had brought us both here, test somehow I think I knew what would be happening anyway.
"I'd like you too, tonight, at a place either if you can choose, to go on a 'dinner date' remember there will be paparazzi, Hailey I'm talking to you," I nodded. "Dylan you've got to act like a proper gentleman, open doors and overrall just be the perfect boyfriend, so the fans of you will like Hailey and think of her as lucky, ready?" He asked. Both of us nodded our heads in unison. "Go now, make sure to make it believable."

Dylan and I headed out of the door and out onto the street, I was wearing something just suitable for a casual date and so was Dylan so we didn't need to go home and get dressed.
"God it's raining pretty heavy," Dylan says looking out onto the street. It was night, the lights were shining and it looked perfect, like a scene straight from a romantic movie. "Did you come in a car?" Dylan asked.
"Nope, you?"
"Oh hell, looks like the bus, there'll be no door to hold open fit Yuit, I'll hold open one if the windows." Dylan said and I laughed.
"I'd rate that highly your sir-ness." I said.
"It's highness." Dylan laughed.
"Not anymore, I've re-invented the word. No different meaning, just a different word. Well to be honest I haven't re-invented it then or done any if that shit. Aww damn," and text again he showed those glistening pearls, in the darkness they seemed almost brighter yet I knew they weren't. It seriously was like something from a romance movie, the fault In our crappy forced relationship, it has a ring to it, Beyoncé where you at. My head went mental with all thoughts like that, I an insane and I will always be.
"What about that little Italian restaurant on the corner if Oxford street," he said.
"I've heard of the place, no idea what it's called, I've heard the pasta's good and the pizza, I'd expect nothing less from an Italian restaurant though," I said probably boring the hell out of him, yet somehow it caused him to laugh at me or with me. (the year 3069: the works us still unsure).

We jumped onto the bus and took our seats near the back of the bus. Beside us, next to the other window, were an elderly couple, they were laughing and joking and doing everything if hope for later in my life once I've found the boy.
After being lost in thought for apparently so long, by the time I'd realised we were halfway to our destination, we were there. Just as I'd thought and he'd said, the little Italian restaurant was waiting patiently on the corner. Dylan and I walked over to it, once we'd stepped in, the old time bell rang.
"I love the sound of bells like that in family-owned restaurants/ old restaurants, I don't know why I just love it," I said to Dylan who was staring at me intently, our eyes never leaving each others face, either looking at it or listening.
Eventually, a rather short, probably around 5'6 man walked up to the seat booking seat stall, which looked like recycled shelves, which I liked and added character to the building.
"A table for 2," Dylan said to to the man.
"Ahh, young lovebirds, follow me this way. Before meal, salad free. Get some if want," he said directing us to our seats, I must admit his English wasn't the best but it was understandable and I just loved his Italian accent. The whine restaurant screamed charm and was so well decorated, wooden sculptures, very nice paints across the wall, the booths separated.
"Well let's order,"

A/N: for me this us a fairly long chapter, well one that I've wrote. It's 1024 words over 150 more than the next most in this book. Anyways, if you enjoyed (it helps me know you're enjoying the book) make sure to:


Thanks for reading, toodles.

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