Chapter 2

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Hey! Sorry for the long wait! I know I kinda abandoned this book because of school and exams and blah blah blah. When I logged onto my account again I saw that my first chapter got 193 reads! whaaaaaaaat? Now I know that number might seem small..... but it was a big deal for me! I loved reading your lovely comments about wanting to read more (some dated back to summer sorry!) anyway I'd like to thank the people who have commented, voted and even just read the first chapter! Thank you so so so much! And so, since I have week off from school and I'm sitting on my bean bag listening to Shawn Mendes I guess this was the perfect opportunity to write the next chapter even though most of you probably read the actual girl online sequel! (wasn't it amazing!?!) Anyway all I can say now is thank you for your patience and enjoy! xxx

"Hey P, I've now landed in Germany. Can't wait to see you! Miss you like crazy over here. There was a small red head at the exit and I thought it was you. I was just about to run over and kiss her! Thank goodness I realized it wasn't you! But it's only made me want to kiss you more. I'll see you soon my inciting incident x N"

A smile creeped up my face and I hugged my phone tightly (which probably made me look like an idiot but I honestly didn't care)

After what seemed like forever the middle aged couple left. I looked up at the grandfather clock. It was 1:15. I had exactly 1 hour and 45 minutes to go home, get ready and meet Noah at the airport. THIS WAS THE PERFECT TIME TO PANIC. I took a deep breath, grabbed my bag from under the desk and grabbed the "CLOSED" sign to put on the door. Business was quite anyway so it wasn't like mom and dad would lose out big time. I locked up and started running towards my house. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Megan sitting outside the "Blue Bird Tea Company" cafe. I turned and could see her gaze fixed on me. My palms started to sweat and I dropped my gaze from her and turned to face the road. Unfortunately fate decided that I couldn't get off that easily and placed an ice-cream that must have been dropped by a child in my path. Before I knew it my shoe came in contact with its slippery surface and I fell not so gracefully backwards. I whacked my head off the ground and my jeans were covered in chocolate ice-cream. I could then hear a familiar laugh that made my stomach turn. Megan was in stitches laughing. I turned bright red. The heat radiated off my cheeks I honestly thought you could fry an egg on my face. I quickly picked myself up and continued running. Once I got to the end of the road Megan's loud cackles soon faded into a faint giggling sound. How embarrassing! Of all people to see me fall it just had to be her.

Once I arrived at my house, I ran straight upstairs and ripped off my now destroyed jeans and threw them in the corner of my room. I had an hour and a half to get ready. No one was home yet not even Tom so I put on my stereo and played "Autumn Girl" in full volume. I had my outfit already planned. I picked out a white jumpsuit with a black floral print on it. I paired it with a denim jacket and my black ankle boots. Once I finished getting dressed I opened my make up bag and went through it. Since I never really wore much make up I decided to do a simple "cat eye" with my gel eyeliner, I then put on a little bit of mascara and a nude lipstick. It had to do. I didn't want Noah to think I was trying to hard but I also didn't want him to think I wasn't bothered either. Ugh so much stress over nothing! But I just had to remind myself that it was worth it because he is worth it.

Girl online 2 (Going offline) the unofficial sequelWhere stories live. Discover now