Before We Start

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So, requests are open. Here the form.
Name (ex: Maddie Hill)
Age (ex: 15)
Gender: (ex: girl)
Race: (ex: human cybertronian)
Family: (ex: Bumblebee, uncle)
Doctor: (ex: 11)
Background: (ex: Bron on Earth during the war mom died the war and dad died cause he felt like something was missing in his life uncle is on Earth with the other Autobots)
About: (ex: travels with the Doctor. The TARDIS brings them to Washington DC. Decepticons try to get Maddie and the Doctor when Bumblebee comes and fights them off. And a family is reunited and a new companion.)
I will do anything, x reader, OC, and some of the people from the show. Till next time my crazy people.
P.S. was the Doctor in Star Wars? Look in media.

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