Chapter 11: Love comes with time

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(Aleksei's POV)

I looked at the sleeping figure in front of me. I really wouldn't mind to wake up like this for the rest of my life. Thinking about it just made me grin even more. Slowly moving my arm from the hold I had around her waist, I reached out my hand to touch her face. My thumb gently caressed her lips and I smiled thinking about yesterday how this mouth had moaned my name last night. My name nobody else's. She also had been untouched which I kind of knew since I had been observing her actions since she came to this world. But still I was happy that I had been her first and in this world my first too. Although she was underage it didn't matter, because when it comes to love age doesn't matter. But I know a lot of people will be against our relationship. But I am the creator of this world, a god and the emperor of the biggest country on earth. Who dares to go against me? If they do, don't expect I'll be nice.

He, he, he... she's mine now just mine now. And soon we will have a family too. Nobody will be able to take her away from me... nobody, I thought while playing with a black curl.

"You're such a sly man, Aleksei.", her angelic voice really was as beautiful like a siren's but even better. "Last night you didn't wear a condom. And you knew I wasn't using birth controls".
The sly man just shrugged and put a hand on her stomach:
"Of course. I would need something or someone to make you stay with me forever".
That's right, I knew that that Lucinda would never deny the father of her child.
"And if I don't become pregnant?"
I smirked, taking a whole bunch of her hair into my hands (holding them possessively), and said while looking at her seriously:
"Oh, but you will. We will make love every night even if it's just in the dream realm. And you will bear me many children".
She only looked at me not saying anything. I released her to intertwine our hands.
"Listen, Lucinda. I know that you don't believe I love you. But I do. And I know you're afraid to love but let me prove that my love is real. Please don't push me away like you did to the others. I love you...", my eyes teared up at the thought of her leaving me. 
Then she did something unexpected. She kissed me softly and said:

"Fine, I'll give you time to prove your love. I won't run away or leave you".

And then we lied there just holding each other tightly while she softly sang:


You may not knock on my door,

If you aren't ready to come in,

You may not call my name,

And then start calling me your own,

And you may not get in my way,

Without showing me your goal *

And you may not steal from my goodness,

In order to fill the gap **

And you may not tear down my walls,

That I painstakingly built,

If you don't protect my dreams,

So that I can sleep safely,

And you may not have me in your dreams,

When I don't want to be your reality,

And you may not say that you hope,

If you don't think you know

But you may take the time you need,

To understand what it is that you want,

You may say a prayer about the time,

You'll need enough of it,

And you can gather your thoughts,

So that two souls can find peace.

And so that everything we promised

Ourselves can grow.

You may not breathe on my forehead,

And don't make me fall for you more,

If you don't, then you can stand there,

With all the mess you made,

And you may not touch my heart,

As if everything was fine,

But I want nothing more,

After you'll do that to me soon




You may take the time you need,

(To understand what it is that you want),

What is it that you want?,

You may say a prayer about the time,

You'll need enough of it,

And you can gather your thoughts,

(So that two souls can find peace.)

And so that everything we promised

Ourselves (can grow).

You may take the time you need,

To understand what it is that you want,

(What is it that you want?) ,

You may say a prayer about the time,

You'll need enough of it,

And you can gather your thoughts,

So that two souls can find peace.

And so that everything we promised

Ourselves (can grow).

And you may not touch my heart,

As if everything was fine,

But I want nothing more,

After you'll do that to me soon

"I love you" I whispered. Yes, I will do anything to be with her. I'll be the one to show her what love is.


Disclaimer: I don't own the song "Du får inte" by Sonja Aldén. 

Next I will explain quite a few things that you might want/like to know -––>

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