Chapter 13: Rival, enemy and sister Part 3

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Hey! Guess what guys! I finally have holiday and will probably write on this story on my free time. I'm so sorry if I couldn't live up to any of your expectations. Also this chapter will be the last one for this year so please look forward to next year. Of course feel free to complain, give me advices or ideas of how you want things to go and I might actually put them in this story. 

At last I wanna thank you all readers who have been here with me and reading this from the beginning. I can't believe it's almost been a year since I begun. And I know I've been quite lazy and could have probably written or updated a chapter. But anyway many thanks to you readers. Without you I might not have continued this story... Well that was a lie. I would actually have continued it since I felt I didn't want to end it with simply Lucinda's, more like Alexander's, happy ending. But you guys are the reason why I haven't given up on this story so far. You know, with all the stress from school going on and not to mention that I write other stories too. Anyway the point is that I love you guys and it's been an amazing experience to have so many wonderful readers out there. 

So thank you for reading all those chapters I've written and I hope you will enjoy this chapter.


– Storyworld.


(3rd person POV)

In dark room a figure lied lazily on a bed watching as the events unfolded in the little story book of hers. Chuckling the figure got up from the bed and went outside to the balcony to take some fresh air. She wore a not so covering lingerie and started to stretch. Lying down for many days had almost really made her body turn into stone. As she stretched hands groped her breasts and she turned around angrily to face the person disturbing her thoughts. Reading her thoughts the man's eyes darkened in jealousy as he watched all those dirty scenes she had imagined with the MMC:s of her story. 

– Don't be jealous, she sent him a thought. They are only fantasies.

– So, I'm not enough to satisfy your lust? he growled. 

She chuckled at his jealousy and threw her arms around his neck kissing him deeply.

– What about your lust? she provoked him.

– Don't be ridiculous. You're enough for me, he said lifting her up and putting her on top of the railings. Your such a cruel woman for asking.

– And yet you fell in love with me, she said smirking.

He loved when she did that since her eyes became a little bit darker and sensual. Spreading her legs he leaned down to take off her panties and putting them in his pocket. He had seen every part of his wife's body before yet he could never have enough of it. Although he did prefer when there was a child in that little body of hers, he knew that she didn't want more children. As for him, he loved their children until they became clever adults and such naggers, and wanted one more child that he could raise right this time. He felt a smack on his head as he stared into his wife's glaring eyes. Those eyes burning with fire - he could no longer hold back. He picked her up and pushed her against the walls entering her and continued to thrust even when they came several times. Even at their old age they were still as sexual active as when they were young. Once she passed out he carried her to the bed to let her rest. Meanwhile he waited for her to wake up he opened her book of story which actually is just another form of destiny. Although he did not like that his wife payed too much attention to the humans he understood this was a way of her to kill time since living forever was a bit boring. Then he read Eric's thoughts and got up. That pathetic man was still thinking about his wife even in his old body. How dare he? Lucinda was his and his alone. How dared other men think of her that way. As his anger rose clouds started to gather and thunder was soon to be heard. But he realized it wasn't only Eric who thought about her in that way but also others. He did not like this, not at all. Although he had promised not to interfere in her work he would break that promise. Anyone who had a place in his woman's heart was a threat to him including his own children, except his grand children. 

As he began to scheme due to his jealousy he did not notice the smirk the lady on the bed had.


(Harry's POV)

I did not know why I just proposed to Ella or why I was even at her apartment. 

A few hours ago I had been driving from home after hearing the ridiculous thing about marrying a princess. And then I stopped here and there with the car until I finally arrived at an destination which turned out to be her house. The thing was that I did not know this until she came out to greet me. 

– Although I think you're a great guy, Harry, I cannot accept your proposal, she said.

If I had any sense at all I would just walk away yet I didn't.

– Why? even I had to ask myself that question but not in response to her rejection.

It was more like a question towards myself "Why am I even doing this?". It wasn't like I felt anything towards her. 

– Because I'm already in a relationship with someone, she answered.

– Okay, so? 

Why the fuck could I not shut up and walk away!?

– Soooo, I cannot accept your proposal because I am already taken, she said with an incredelous voice.

– And?

God! please shut my mouth up. I beg you.

– And you should go now, she said. Harry are you even okay? 

– No, I managed to say and walk away while I could even as every cell in my body told me to stay and argue until I had my way. 


(Miranda's POV)

I watched him walk away from the newbie and get inside as he drove away like a crazy man. But before he was gone I had taken a picture and now all I had to do was upload it on Twitter under my second account - which also worked as fake account- and the media would be all over her. 

– Now let's see if you can still continue as an actress while media will slowly break you apart, she smirked.


Thank your for reading, have a lovely christmas and see you guys next year!

I would also like to mention since I didn't mention it before... that I might update some bonus chapters on christmas Eve. Let me just warn you that they aren't really going to be related to the main story they'll be more like flashbacks and idle talk.

Well, that's all I have to say and with no further do...

Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!

AN: If you don't know what I meant by putting this song, you might wanna go back to read that Valentine special chapter. You'll get what I mean.   

♕What! I died and got reincarnated as the villainess in a dating game!♥Where stories live. Discover now