Chapter 5

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Chapter 5



“Mary Joe are you ok” I ask softly.

She turns to look at me and has a blank look on her face “yes I’m more then ok.” Then she shrugs “my fault for thinking his player ass was worth my time.”

I hug her “it’ll be ok.”

“You bet it’s going to be ok, I forgot him already.” with that she walks away.

I feel so sad for her. Even though she’s trying to act strong, I’m her sister I know what she’s feeling. What can I say it’s a twin thing. I wonder if Chance knew about this?

I head back to the Med tent and hope no one gets hurt. I don’t like to see the riders ride because I always worry. That’s why I’m so happy Chance didn’t come this time because I would really be worried then.

Half way thru the rides the first guy came in. We treat sprains and pulled muscles, anything really serious gets sent to the hospital. Luckily Mark only popped his shoulder out. Well I guess not lucky for him.

“Oh Mark this is going to hurt.”

“Honey I’m a bull rider and used to pain.” He says as I grab his arm and position my hands so I can pop his socket back in place.

“On the count of 3 you ready” he nods “one, two” then I pull before I say three.

“What the hell you said on three.”

I smile “yup but know it’s back in and it didn’t hurt as much did it.”

“Oh shit” he says rotating his arm and noticing that yes indeed it was back in.

“Now let me ice it for you so it doesn’t swell.” I turn to get the ice pack and when I head his way to place it on his shoulder he grabs for me and sits me on his lap.

“You are my hero, now how bout I kiss you as payment.”

Before I can push him away hey kisses me roughly. Next thing I know I’m being yank off him.

“Get your fu*ken lips off my woman!”

I turn to see Luke glaring at Mark. Oh no he didn’t just call me his woman.

I turn and punch him in the face.

“Don’t you dare call me your woman, you asshole.” He looks at me with bewilderment “what you didn’t think I was going to see you kissing that b*tch.”

He looked confused “oh that” he shrugs that “that’s just part of the act.”

“Yea same act you plaid with mar,” crap “same act you played with me.”

He shrugs again “your to intense that’s why I didn’t call you guess my instincts were right this is to much for me I’m not used to being jealous.”

He turns around “to much to soon” and walks out.

Oh crap did I just ruin this for Mary Joe.



Chance’s POV


I an so glad dad only had a 24 hour bug. He felt a lot better when I left. I can’t wait to see my baby girl. She’s going to be so surprised. I walk in the arena. I might not be able to ride now but at least I’ll be with her.

I walk around until I spot her. Ah she looks so sad. She’s probably missing me. But her I come sweet girl. I walk over to her and turn her around and plant one on her. Guess she was more surprised then I thought because she pulled me away and smacked me.

What the hell I think as I put my hand on my stinging cheek.

“what was that for?”

“Why the hell did you kiss me!”

“Because I’m your man!”

Oh crap what did I just do. Shit I hope I didn’t just screw this up for Leah.

“Um sorry you just caught me off guard.”

Before I can answer her I was called away “come on boy get ready your up next.”



Mary Joes POV


Oh no he’s going to ride I think as I run to get Leah.

“Leah” she turns to me.

“I’m sorry, I think I just messed things up for you and Luke. Mark was in here and kissed me and Luke came in all she’s my girl. Then I slapped him and I was all like hell no I’m not then he left saying it was to much to soon.”

Mary Joe looked at me like I was crazy then she laughed.

“Well ok then. But I came because Chance just got her and he kissed me and I slapped him and I was all like why did you do that? He was all like I’m your man.”

“You kissed my Chance” she tells me all mad.

“Forget about that. They just called him out to ride.” I tell her as I pull her out with me.

“I know you hate this but I know he’s going to do good and I don’t want you to miss it. Plus he’s going to want to talk about his ride so you need to see it to talk about it with him.”

We run to the ring just as his shut opens and the bull shoots out. I swear her heart was in her throat.

She watched in awe and in terror as the man she loves got bucked around on that hideously large animal. Then her worse fear happens as we see him thrown off. But he doesn’t get right up. Without even thinking She run in there and drop to her knees by his head.


Chance’s POV

I felt myself fly through the air then slam right on my back. I hear my baby’s voice screaming my name and I open my eyes feeling a strange sense of this happening before. I open my eyes and there she is my baby .

She bends down by me and her shirt gaps, aww there are those birth marks I would dream about so much for so many years. Only they are now on a pair of killer breasts.

“Leah get your ass back over here!” her dad yells

What the f*ck………..

I look her in the eyes “I can explain, I was going to tell you today.”

“Leah what did I say.” Joe yells coming next to her. He looks at me “you ok boy.’

I shake my head no “I don’t think so Sir did you just called my girl Mary Joe, Leah?”

“This is Leah boy.”

“I’m sorry Chance I am Leah your girl not Mary Joe she was with Luke.”

That’s the last thing I heard before everything went dark.


Oh, Oh what is Chance going to do when he wakes up?

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