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Not edited 😀


It had been a while since I'd stepped foot outside the Inn grounds. I craved the smell of the town bakery and the company of my dear old friend Isabelle. Her father though it was time for a change of scenery so they moved to a neighbouring town, which was at least a days drive away. So I didn't get to see her often.

Unlike me, Izzy was more free spirited and boisterous. Where I was dark haired and pale skinned, she was fair haired and had colour to her cheeks with a dash of freckles. We might be polar opposites but we were the the best of friends.

I left the Inn early that morning after waving goodbye to father. The sun shone brightly and showed no sign of rain. I had to run some errands down by the market stalls. But first I had to pick up a parcel for father from the book shop.

When I arrived I was met by the two men in red coats who seemed to be part of the Kings guard. I felt uneasy having to walk past them for they had beady eyes and unfriendly smirks plaster upon their faces. Strange isn't how those who are meant to keep us safe are the cause of trouble?

"Can I help you?" Said Guard one in a deep baritone voice.

"Um... no thank you sir I'm just going into the shop." I replied trying to avoid making eye contact.

"Fraid we can't let you do that we are under strict instructions to let no one in. But we can make an exception for a lady of your beauty but it'll cost you." Answered Guard two while he moved so that his breath brushed against my ear.

I took a step backwards and d could feel my cheeks heating up. " You're quiet alright I'll just come back tomorrow. Thank you."

With out looking back I made my way to the market. Whilst looking at the fruit and veg I was met it a shriek of excitement that I would have recognised from anywhere. I turned around not caring who saw, and ran towards my friend with open arms. We stood there embracing for what felt like hours until we pulled away.

"Izzy! What are you doing here I thought you weren't coming until tomorrow?" I shrieked a little too excitedly.

"I wanted to surprise you. It's been so long since we last spoke I couldn't wait til tomorrow. I missed you my dear." She answered back whilst squeezing my right cheek a little too much.

"I'm glad you came early I have so much to tell you. Where are you staying?"

"I'll be at my aunt Meradith's she's been dying to see me ever since we moved."

"That's great. Not to far from then Inn. I'll walk you there."

After I had finished buying the groceries we walked in the direction of her aunts home.

"So you didn't exactly see his face?" Izzy questioned me after I had filled in on my brief encounter.

"Not really it was hidden behind a black handkerchief. But I did catch a glimpse of his eyes. They were beautiful. Like tainted jewels. Something about him was alluring."

"Hey come back from your ivory tower Rapunzel. Doesn't it seem odd that he was covering his face. 'Handsome' men don't cover their faces unless they have something hide."

"Now that you mention it he did bare resemblance to a man I saw on a wanted poster. But how can anyone tell, all criminals look try same."

"Well be safe. This isn't a Jane Austen novel where love is found in dark brooding men with beautiful eyes. For all you know he could be a monster in disguise like one of those Penny Dreadful characters you like to read about. He could have fangs or tentacles under that handkerchief."

After a moment of silence we both burst into laughter. "I doubt that very much. You let your imagination get the better of you."

As we reached the house we said our goodbyes. "I'll meet you tomorrow for lunch at the Inn." Izzy said as she pulled me into one last embrace.

"I'll tell the kitchen maid to make your favourite stew."

"That's would be lovely. I'll see you tomorrow afternoon."


"And stay away from brooding strange men."

"I'll do my best. Goodbye Izzy." I laughed as I waved farewell not knowing if I would be able to stay clear of this brooding man.

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