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P.s the town names are all made up in a way that isn't geographically correct. Me trying to act like I know geography. I just used names that sounded old timey.


The wind blew stiffly as I rode to Hampreston to visit one of my favourite brothels. The ale doesn't stop coming and neither did the women. I had tried my hardest to forget about the fair beauty I had layed eyes on the night before. But I could not despite all my efforts. The only way to quench my thurst was to endulge in the pleasures brought by the courtesans of Hampreston.

As I neared the brothel I noticed a bit of parchment nailed to a pine tree. It read:


Wanted for murder theft and crimes against the coutnry. Do not engage for he is dangerous and deadly.


Just below the warning was a rather flattering sketch of me wearing my signature french hat and handkerchief that shielded my jaw. The artist even managed to capture my spirit in my hazel eyes.

To endulge my ego even further I decided to tear down the poster and keep it as a token of my success. The towns people where aware of my presence and purpose.

Sure there were other thieves that roamed the roads in the dead of night but non did it quite like me. I stalk my victims. Assessed their value and decide whether they are worth it or not.

It's all about the kill.

The brothel was lit with a deep red glow that lured men into its clutches. Sounds of absolute pleasure and music filled the cool air. I could already taste the salty wench I would be bedding this evening.

I dismounted my stallion and handed it to the stable boy.

As I opened the door I was welcomed by sweet smell of sweaty bodies,gyrating women and ale. Oh the bitter stench of Hampreston ale how I had missed thee.

Wenches lazily draped themselves over perverted bodies, whispering  the sweet nothings that aroused their man hood.

Sophia a french whore who usually escorted me, greeted me with a kiss of pure desire and craving. She knew exactly what to do to ease my tension.

"You want to come with me to the red room Mon Cher?" Her voice was soft and tender. How could I have refused such an offer?


After hours of empty love making i decided it was time to get back on the road. Tatiana lay across my muscular chest in a deep sleep. Carelessly i removed her petit hand that lay around waist and moved quickly to avoid conversation.

Just as i was a out to reach the door Tatiana awoke.

"Where are you off to in such a hurry my love." She began to saunter towards me with the sheets wrapped around her torso.

"I have told you before that I am not your love. I belong to no one. Epecially not whores such as yourself." I replied with a vicious tone. However this only seemed to entice her even more.

Her warm hands unbuttoned my breeches and slowly ,with care, lay her hand upon my manhood.

The feeling of desire began to creep up from the pit of my stomach. But something had changed the feeling was extinguished. With haste i made my way out the brothel toward the stables.

It would be a long ride back to the Ol Inn. The magnetic pull of the crimson love knot was hard to resist.


I got a bit lazy with this chapter towards the end. I wasn't sure on what write. Ah well... hope you liked it

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