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Serena's p.o.v

Since the party Mitch and I haven't been able to unpack our house for the party all we had was our room and the living room the rest of the boxes were hidden in the guest room...Mitch and I are very lazy

We invited people over that wanted to see us to help unpack they were all very willing and came over the next day

The doorbell rang

"Can you get that?" Mitch yelled from upstairs

"Yes!" I yelled back

I opened the door and saw Jason, Jordan, Adam, Garrick and Dakota standing there

"Hey guys come on in"

"Where's Mitch?" Adam asked

"Oh he's upstairs....MITCH" I yelled


"Come down here.....everyone's here"

He came down and we assigned everyone to what we wanted them to do

"Ok Mitch and I will do our computer room, Jason you and Jordan can do the kitchen, Adam and Dakota you can do our guest room" we already had the boxes pulled out and Garrick you can help my friend Haley do our bathrooms and the living room when she gets here.

We all got to work then Haley came over to help too

Jason's p.o.v

"Hey Jordon?"

"Yeah?" He asked

"Did you se Serena's friend Haley?" I asked

"Yyyeeeeaaaahhhh why?"

"She's hot" I said

"Ok...do you like her?"

"We'll........I guess so I wanna try and talk to her first and see what I think." He said

"Cool man cool"

We continued moving stuff into the kitchen like the table and small appliances.

Alls fair in love with Benja~BajanCanadian love story~completeWhere stories live. Discover now