BOLD - Carter
Italics - Sydney~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"No.... Stop trying to be gangster."
"You just blew my 22 Jump Street movie bubble up. Thanks a lot!"
"You're welcome!"
"That was sarcasm, idiot."
"I know."
"So. Back to 21 questions. What do you look like?"
"I look like Taylor Swift."
"Okay... I have... grayish-greenish- brown eyes, I'm a brunette, I'm pretty short, so... Yeah... That's it."
"How about you? What do you look like?"
"A boy."
"Fine... I'm... I have brown dark hair, blue eyes, and am super buff."
"Yeah, right. You sound like a boy who just got his first chest hair. Probably a freshman in high school."
"Well, you have that right. I'm pretty slim and lanky. Fuck you world!"
"Woah, woah, woah. Hold up. I may be super short and ugly and you can be lanky and nerd shaped-"
"I'm not a nerd!"
"And ugly and other messed up shit, but you do not bring God and the world into this convo. I'm Catholic so shut up, son."
"You sure don't talk like a Catholic."
"I know. I'm trying to stop. How about you Doctor Who?"
"Why Doctor Who?"
"The actor's an atheist."
"Okay, I got it. Um... I'm kind of also an atheist. My family doesn't believe in anything, except all that old wives' tales."
"Ah... So the Doctor is an atheist! So... you know that magic stuff?"
"I thought you were Catholic."
"Just because I'm Catholic doesn't mean I don't like doing all that fortune telling and other shit. I find it fun. Although I don't seriously believe."
"Ah.... Okay. Yes. I do."
"Then tell me my fortune."
"Well. Let's see. You will keep talking to this dude who prank called you. Your future soon will consist of true love and happiness, but there will be sadness. You will be rich... You will be a leader far in the future, of many people."
"Seriously? That was the worst fortune made up in two seconds."
"It's true though. Well, that's just a prediction. I'm not a master of fortune telling."
"It's not that bad really. It's just told that.. I was told that before. It never came true."
"You have to WAIT to make the fortune to happen! Not just think it's going to happen in two seconds. Idiot.."
"But I can't wait!!"
"Then no fortune!"
"Whatever, loser. I gotta go babysit."
"Neighbor's kid."
"Ah... Good luck."
"Thanks. Peace out!"

Prank Caller
Short StoryIn which a prank call gets two people together. "Love with every stranger, the stranger the better" ~~~~~~~ *warning: Contains: -offensive jokes, if you can't handle some offensive jokes, move on. It's these character...