Chapter 3 - Not for the Faint Hearted

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Four months before

"Steven has said repeatedly that Moriarty is dead," I insisted, "so how can he come back? We saw him shoot a bullet through his head, for God's sake."

"I don't know how they're going to do it, but I'm sure he'll be back in the next season – didn't Andrew Scott say he was shooting season four?"

We'd been debating Sherlock's upcoming plot for some time as we waited backstage for show time. Marcus, as big a fan as me, was insisting the twisted psychopath Moriarty would be back, in spite of his suicide on the top of St Bart's Hospital roof in season three.

"That could just be flashbacks or Sherlock's mind palace," Callie suggested.

"Hasn't Benedict told you anything?" Marcus asked, looking and sounding sceptical at my lack of information.

"Not a thing," I assured him. There was a good reason for that – I had told him not to, knowing that if I knew what was going to happen the chances of me blurting it out in excitement were far too likely.

"Well, let's hope the Christmas special gives us some clues then," Callie sighed and I seconded that motion wholeheartedly – though knowing Steven and Mark, I wouldn't hold my breath.

I was still pinching myself that I was about to perform to a near-capacity crowd at the Festival Theatre in Edinburgh; we'd done smaller shows in Carlisle and Glasgow and tonight was our last in Scotland. Out of the blue Andy, one of the security crew, appeared at my side to tell me there was a gentleman asking to see me who had given the name Tom H. "You're kidding!" I couldn't believe my ears. "Where is he?" 

"Just outside." I followed him into the corridor to find a tall lean Brit lurking in the shadows – though not the one I would have preferred to be here, I was thrilled to see him nonetheless.

"Tom!" He opened his arms wide and I went in for a Hiddles hug, which, aside from Ben's and nonna's, was the best hug around. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm in town for a couple of days visiting my granddad and when I spoke to Ben earlier he told me you were performing tonight, so – here I am." He squeezed hard, a huge smile reaching his eyes. "You're looking gorgeous as always Cara."

"Thank you. You're not looking so bad yourself. Where on earth have you been to get that wonderful tan?"

He said he'd been filming in Australia. "But I don't want to hold you up – I just wanted to say hello - I need to go and find my seat before the show starts."

"You've got a ticket for the show?" I was astounded.

"Of course," he replied then showed it to me when I asked to see it.

"Good Lord, Tom, you're way out in the boondocks – hang on a minute and I'll arrange something better." I stepped back into the lounge and beckoned to Rick, all the while hearing Tom tell me he didn't want me to go to any bother and not to trouble on his behalf – which, of course, I completely ignored. After introducing Tom and Rick, I asked, "Rick, we can find a really good seat for Tom, can't we?"

"Of course," he replied, nodding in affirmation.

"And an all-areas pass?" That would allow him to join us again backstage later if he wanted to, without having to go through the rigmarole of asking security to get my permission. While Rick got on his phone to get that organised I was struck with a brilliant idea – well, it was brilliant in my mind, anyway. "Tom, how about singing a couple of songs with me tonight?"


The more I thought about it, the more I was warming to the idea. "We can do a Hank Williams tune if you like, to promote the film, then something from...I don't know, how about Mumford and Sons?" I knew Tom liked their music.

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