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The 4 years old Putzie Jacobs was playing with his dog Sparky in his backyard and he ran over to the fence and saw a beautiful  young girl who was the same age as him. He saw how pretty she was. "Hey!" Putzie yelled.

The 4 years old girl turned around.

"Are you new around here?" Putzie asked her.

The girl nodded her head yes.

"I'm Putzie!" Putzie introduced himself.

"I'm Jan." Jan introduced herself.

Putzie walked over to Jan.

"It's nice to meet you Jan." Putzie said.

"You too." Jan said shaking his hand.

"Want to come over for lunch?" Putzie asked her.

Jan nods her head.

"Come on." Putzie said grabbing her hand. "I think this is a beginning of a beautiful friendship."

Jan smiles at Putzie and they walked to Putzie's house.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Putzie yelled while bringing his dog inside.

"In here sweetie!" Putzie's mother yelled from the kitchen.

"Come on Jan." Putzie said taking Jan to the kitchen.

"Hey son." Putzie's father said kissing his son's head.

"Dad, this is Jan, she's new." Putzie introducing Jan to his parents.

"Well hello Jan, it is so nice to meet you." Putzie's mother said smiling at Jan.

"you too." Jan said.

There was a thump upstairs.

"Boys! Settle down!" Putzie's mother yelled.

"Those were my brothers, but I have 1 brother, but Danny, Kenickie, Sonny and Doody are basically my big brothers." Putzie told Jan. "let's go meet them."

They went upstairs to Phil's room and Putzie knocks on the door.

"Philly! It's your baby brother Putzie!" Putzie yelled.

"Come in kiddo!" Phil yelled back.

Then Putzie opens the door.

"Jan, these are my brothers, but Phil is my real brother. Guys, this is my new friend Jan, she's new here." Putzie told them.

"Well it's so nice to meet you Jan." Phil said smiling down at Jan.

"You too." Jan said smiling at the boys.

"Hey Phil, I think Putzie has a new girlfriend." Danny said teasing Putzie.

Kenickie, Sonny and Doody oohed. Putzie and Jan looked at each other and smiled a little at each other.

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