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hi guys, amanda here

if you guys didn't know, i'm kyle's gf

kyle wants to thank you for the amount of reads he's getting and the fans he has

he's kind of disappointed that no one's reading his real story

he's really proud of it and no one is really paying attention to it

so he's not gonna update this book till y'all read that book

sadly he's sick and grounded right now, even though he's in missouri right now

he can't update or anything because where they're at there isn't any wifi

while he's gone, he says that these stories are stories you should read

- anything by newyorkcoffee (her name is also amanda)

- londonstars has really good books (her name is ganna)

- jaypas is awesome, him and liam have a ship name called jam

if you get amanda to 1000 reads or more and fan her, he says he'll update faster

if you fan jaypas or londonstars, then tell me and he'll update as soon as he gets back

all of the stories will be in the reading list, fender

have fun!

- amanda

p.s kyle loves you!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2013 ⏰

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