Chit-chat and Tea

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Beledith was waiting for me when I reached the house. I must admit, I was lucky, because she was only a little mad. She lectured me for some time, and then she brought tea and said: "Alright, at least you got wild mint, but I know something happened in the forest, so tell me."

"Well, I met an Elemental-Elf. And he helped me, because I got lost. Enough?"

"Of course not, dear child! Who was the Elemental-Elf? How did you get lost? You have to tell me everything!"

"I think his name was Elyos, but-"

"You met the son of Elerandtos?!"

"Yes, I did. What about it? Do not tell me you're in love, Beledith."

"Don't you think I'm a little old for this, Melanie?"

And so our conversation rolled. In the end, Beledith still got to know the whole truth. But I don't mind.  She is like a mother to me, a mother who I never had.

I am happy with my life. At least I don't have to scrub the floors to perfection, harvest the crops, and take the punishments of other people. Speaking of punishments, I still have the scars. Knives, whips, my insides still make a 360 degree twist when I think about my past. Those scars remind me about my life, and they make me grateful, they make me turn towards the gods and pray. I can say that I'm happy about those scars, in my own way. You must think I'm crazy. But I'm not. They remind me about who I am, that I can't turn into a monster, because I am a human and I can still endure so much more.

When I arrived in this village, a woman looked like she needed help. So I went and helped her. She didn't say anything, just silently watched. When I finished picking the fruits from the ground, she opened her mouth for the first time.


"Because it looked like you needed help."

After that, she chuckled, bitterly.

"Darling, I've  already dug myself so deep in this hole, not even you can help."

But after that, a new voice entered the dialogue. It was Beledith.

"Why don't you crawl out of it then? Don't just sit in that hole. Walk out, jump out, just move, don't sit in one place. The most important thing to do is to move. Slowly, but still crawling. I have been in situations like this, and trust me, every time I have slowly crawled my way out."

After that, the woman didn't say anything. And now I understand. Beledith had taken her out of her noone-can-help-me-so-don't-bother zone. But I can't imagine Beledith in such situation. She always puts on this confident or I-know-what-I-am-doing front. I don't want her to change, because for me, she is perfect the way she is. 

The next day, I woke a little bit after dawn. I was sweating and had cold shivers running down my back. My head started spinning and for a second I thought that I was going to lose conciousness. My throat was dry and the only sound my mouth let out was a throaty cough. It was obvious - I was sick. 

I used to be very sick when I was still a slave. I had to stay in a bed for at least a week, before I could start working again. And so it went - two weeks working, one week in bed. The family was worried that I would die, if I didn't stay in bed - I was so weak. At least that's what the doctor said. However, I survived, didn't I? I am here, and I'm alive, and I won't turn into a monster. I won't allow this to myself.

Suddenly, I remembered that Beledith was researching something while I was gone.



"What were you researching?"

"Oh, I was just wondering about my theory, but you don't need to know. Yet."

"I'm getting worried."

"Alright, I know that you won't rest easy before you've heard."

"Well, I suddenly thought about you and you being a white wolf. I don't know why, but I got the feeling, that you have connections with the elves. Remember when I told you about the war, where werewolves helped the elves?"

"Certainly. Continue."

"You see, they weren't normal werewolves. No, they were white werewolves. Their fur was as white as pure snow, and it glistened under the moon's silver light."

The witch sighed.

"Those werewolves were magical. They fought bravely, and I don't think they lost anyone of their own that day. As you know, they lived in the mountains. Have you ever wondered why?"

"Once. I thought that they wanted a right place to stay."

"Partly right, youngster. The King of Air told them, that they must never step over the borders of this village. However, the wolves were free to stay wherever they wanted outside the village. They chose mountains. Mountains and snow are now their best friends. It has been this way for many-many years. Noone has changed that. Except one time - the battle."

"Legends say that they wear masks - eye masks, so noone has seen their whole face. But their eyes-"

And she sighed again.

"Are you in love or something?"

"Mmm", Beledith let out a thoughtful hum, "I was."

"Really?! With a wolf?!"

"My dear, I have only loved once, witches tend to love only one person - or creature. And for me, it was a werewolf. I thought it was fate. He saved me, and at night, he would change into a beautiful man with white hair. Gods and goddesses were on our side. But on the last day, The King of Air summoned me. I went to the grand hall, the other Main Elemental-Elves were there too. They were confused, but then, The King of Air began explaining. I remember every single word he said. "Today, we're here, because of this ungrateful witch, who has betrayed the gods!" They were shocked, but the Queen of Water calmly - as always asked: "What has she done?"

"She is the lover of the most horrific, dreadful creature - a werewolf!"

They gasped again.

"Bring him!"

They brought my one and only love, the werewolf, and forced him to kneel in front of the elves.

"You, werewolf, you fought bravely."

"I am honored, my king." He said, but it was forced.

"As a reward, I give you this sword."

He took a beautiful sword - you could tell, that it was clearly made by the elves, and before anyone else could act - he stabbed the werewolf. The blade cut through his heart.

"But you'll die by it, and you'll be buried with it, so it will haunt you, even in hell" The King hissed.

I cried, I cried so hard. His eyes were already dull, the spark and flame in them was extinct. He took my hand, kissed it, and told me: "I have never felt so alive, so free. It was a short time, but thank you, for taking care of me."

And with that, he closed his eyes, and I knew, there was nothing I could've done, except one thing - I prayed. I prayed, so that he would have a great life in the underworld. His soul was already on the other side of the line, and for a moment, he smiled at me. Telling me, that it was fate, it was meant to be like that."

And I never loved anyone after that."

"What about The King of Air?"

"You met the son of The King of Earth, correct?"


"You'll meet others too, in time. But I'll speak to the gods and tell them to leave the son of The King of Air after all others. You'll need preparations."

"Thank you, Beledith."

Story of the Wolf (Book Two of The White Wolf's Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now