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NOTE: This will be short because I have a lot to do today sorry. If I get at least 10 coments in the bottom asking me to update again, I will update tomorrow.

E.J's P.O.V~

     Oh my god. I thought to myself as I woke up. Calista was on top of me, and we were on the coach so I can't just push her off! I decided to just not fight it today sence fighting made things worse last time. I admired her new look as she cuddled against me. She was even more beautiful than before. I can't belive I've let myself fall for her, but it's so nice to feel love again.Calista opened her eyes and looked up at me. She blinked a cupple times before noticing her position and blushed violently. Although she didn't move.  She seemed to like it. I blushed a bit at the thought. She wasn't getting off, she didn't want to. I realized my mask was off and felt awkward sence she could see me blushing.

     I got an idea and the want for it took me over. I leaned up and rested against one of my forearms. I moved slowly and placed my other hand at the side of her face. She quickly cought on and literaly lost her mind. She moved so fast I couldn't even tell what was happening till it was already done. Some how, she had rolled us off the coach and got me on top of her before she wapped her arms around my neck and yanked me in for a kiss. My eyes widened from the sudden outburst before closing and enjoying the moment. She let me go and looked into my eyes. Her want for me was so strong I could feel it. So I decided to fulfill our needs, and moved my hand up her shirt as I locked ourselves in another kiss.

Ok, so there it is. You need to let me know if You want me to continue this, or skip it and move on to after they have sex. Ugh.

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