Chapter 5

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The trip home from the mall seemed to take forever for Amber. She was sure that everyone was staring at her as they drove home from the mall. Her thoughts were once more interrupted by her mother talking to her once more.

"I'll have to hire you a babysitter for when I have to work. I wont be home when you get back from school, and I don't want my baby getting into trouble while I'm at work. Which reminds me, I'll have to send a note to with you tomorrow along with some extra diapers so you can be changed by the school nurse every so often. I'll have all this done for you before tomorrow morning, so don't worry about having to wear the same diaper all day at school tomorrow, or having to wait for me to come home after work to change your diaper."

Amber wanted to protest but knew that it would do no good. She didn't like what her mother was doing, and began to wonder how she would tell her mother about date with Kevin on Saturday. She had dated a few other boys in the past, but they all wanted only to get her into bed with them as fast as they could. This time would be different due to the diapers she was forced to wear. She was not even sure if she would now be able to go through with the date with Kevin if she had to wear diapers. She almost felt like crying. It was so unfair that everything always went so wrong for her all the time.

They pulled into the driveway and parked the car. It only took them a few minutes to unload all of the supplies they had bought while they were out shopping. Amber was so busy trying to think of a way to tell her mother about Kevin that she failed to notice that she had wet her diaper until her mother asked if she needed to be changed yet. Before she could answer, her mother lifted up her dress and saw that the diaper was very wet. A few minutes later she had been cleaned up and changed once more.

The rest of the evening passed quietly and uneventfully until it was time for Amber to go to bed. Her mother changed her into a clean diaper once more and then gave her a new nightgown to wear. She wore a nightgown with a teddy bear design on it. As she crawled under the covers to drift off to sleep, her mother came into the room with a baby bottle for her. Amber began to protest at the treatment, but was quickly silenced by her mother sticking the bottle into her mouth.

"Drink it honey and then go to sleep. You have a big day ahead of you tomorrow." Her mother then turned off the light as she left the room.

Amber did not feel much like drinking the bottle her mother had given her, but did so anyway so as not to upset her mother again. Before long, she fell asleep for a few hours. She woke up and looked over at her clock. It was only 3:00 AM in the morning, but she could not get back to sleep. She knew that her diaper was wet again but was afraid to get up and change it for fear of waking her mother up and getting in trouble. After lying awake for a few more minutes, she decided to go ahead and change out of her wet diaper and put a dry one on. Once this was accomplished, she threw the wet diaper into the wastebasket near the foot of her bed and went back to sleep.

Amber awoke to the sound of her alarm clock going off at the normal preset time. Before she could even stop it, her bowels let loose into her diaper once more. The mess this time was not nearly as bad as the last two she had in her diapers.

"Oh great. Not only do I have to wear diapers like a baby, but now I even mess them like one as well. I better get up and get changed" she thought to herself.

Before she was even half way out of bed, her mother came into her room.

"Time to for you get a bath and get changed honey. We don't want you to be late for school now do we?" Her mother quickly noticed that Amber's diaper was wet as well as messy as she headed Amber towards the bathroom.

"My we certainly filled our diapers last night didn't we. Well, no matter. Get into the shower and get cleaned and then we'll get you ready for school."

She quickly removed the wet and messy diaper she had on and then got into the shower. As the water ran over her body and cleaned her mess off, she thought that maybe her mother would not force her to wear diapers to school. As soon as she got out of the shower and into her room, her mother showed up once more. As she passed by Amber's dresser, she paused and removed a diaper for Amber, then continued over to her.

"Lets get a clean diaper on you shall we?" her mother said. Ambers thin hopes shattered painfully as her mother taped a clean diaper onto her.

Amber gathered up her books and papers she needed for school and headed for the door when her mother called to her.

"Wait a minute honey. I phoned the school this morning and have it arranged for you there. You will go to the nurse's office every three hours to get changed into clean diapers if you need them. All of your teachers and your principal know this and will excuse from class at any time if you need to be changed, as well as allowing you extra time between classes for visits to the nurses office. Put these extra diapers in your bag real quick honey, and stop at the nurse's office before you go to class. I also want you to know that I have hired a babysitter for you when you get home. I'll introduce you tonight. Now get going or you'll be late."

As Amber started towards the door, she began to feel a little light headed for a moment and felt a slight tingling in her shoulders, as well as a momentary loss of breath. She chalked it up to nerves as she recovered a moment later and was out the door. She knew that if she didn't hurry that she would be late for classes.

Amber arrived at the school with only a few minutes left before her first class began. She was halfway to her first class when she suddenly remembered to stop by the nurse's office to drop off her extra diapers. She turned and ran up the stairs to the second floor in an effort to get there and out in time for her first class of the day. As she topped the stairs, the bell rang.

She stopped for a moment to try to catch her breath as the strange feeling she had from earlier caught up to her once more. She began to think maybe she was just out of shape as she began to suddenly feel dizzy and numb in the arms and shoulders.

"I need to get more exercise." she said to herself as she suddenly began to pass out. She barely even heard someone yell out her name as she fell over and down the stairs.

Amber came to in the back of an ambulance, dazed and extremely confused. The last thing she remembered was feeling strange and out of breath at the top of the stairs leading to second floor near the nurses station.

"What happened? Where am I?" she barely managed to whisper. A moment later, the strange sensation hit again and she passed out once more as her heart went into full arrest.

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