Chapter 17

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Amber awoke the next morning to the sound of her alarm going off. She had hoped it had been just a bad dream, but the soreness of her legs told it was all too real and that all too soon she would have to face everyone at school. She looked at the clock a moment longer before reaching over and turning off the alarm. She sighed as she began to get out of bed.

After getting a shower and a quick diaper change, she began to get dressed while wondering how bad her day was going to be. For a few minutes she had contemplated calling in sick, but knew that this would only delay the inevitable. She finished getting dressed, grabbed her backpack with two extra diapers in it and her homework then walked out the front door for school.

She was halfway to the school and lost in her own thoughts when she heard the squeal of car tires from behind her. She looked up as someone yelled at her.

"Hey diaper girl!! Here's one for you!!" Amber ducked as the two guys in the car threw a dirty diaper at her and missed. She knew it was just the start of the day and already someone was giving her a hard time.

Amber leaned over and picked up the soiled baby diaper and threw it into a nearby garbage can just as the car came back around for another pass at her. The car never reached her as she watched in horror and shock. The driver had cut the corner too fast and then over-corrected in an attempt to regain control. It was a futile effort as the car slammed into the side of a truck that had just turned the corner. Amber was shocked as she heard those inside the car scream in terror a moment before they hit the truck.

The impact had knocked the truck into a power pole that was threatening to fall over at any moment. Amber was frozen in shock as the truck and car both began to smoke heavily. She could hear screams coming from inside the truck as someone inside struggled to escape the wreckage. Amber never noticed as she soaked her diaper while she began to come to her senses and realized she was moving towards the wreck.

Inside the truck was a lady with a small baby. The passenger side of the truck was facing the sky but it was obvious that the door was jammed. She was unable to see if anyone in the car was still alive due to the amount of smoke coming from under the hood of it. From the driver's side of it she could see flames coming up through the cracks in the hood.

Amber kicked at the window of the truck on the passenger side of the truck and hoped it would soon break. Her hopes were rewarded when the window gave way with a loud crash of breaking glass.

"Hand me your baby!" Amber shouted at the lady holding the infant while trying to climb out. Amber took the infant from her and hoped down off the truck. She ran to the side of the road and set the infant down.

She saw the lady was almost all the way out when she heard a splintering sound come from the pole. She looked on as it began to fall over towards the woman trapped half in and half out of the truck. It stopped for a second, but that was long enough for the woman to get clear of the wreck of her truck. She was able to see that the two guys in the car were trying to climb out the windows in an effort to escape alive.

Another loud crack came from the pole as it fell the rest of the way over with arcing power lines still attached to it. The pole missed the lady but one of the lines did not. Amber heard the lady scream in terror as she was being electrocuted to death by the power lines. The two boys had just gotten almost out of the car when the pole hit it and trapped them in the burning wreckage.

Amber watched in horror as it burst into flames around the struggling youths. She could hear their screams of pain as the fire burned them bit by bit while they screamed in pain and begged for help. One of them had fallen back inside the vehicle that was engulfed in flames now. She could see him trying to escape the inferno as the windows melted and collapsed onto him.

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