Chapter 6

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"Vivian, I will not tell you again, come to the front of the classroom and tell your speech." Her voice felt like steel ripping through my eardrums. I quietly stood up, grabbing the wordless papers into my hand a little too quickly, giving me a paper cut, and walked to the front of the classroom. My whole body was shaking equivalent to how it would in an earthquake, and sweat was rolling down my temples faster then ever.

I shakily lay my papers down on her desk and finally made my feet shift to the spot in front of everyone. Next to me, I could hear the papers ruffling in the teachers hand and gulped a little to loudly. Here goes nothing.

"I--" I was cut off by the teachers voice, angry now, as she said to me "Is this a freaking joke??" I silently itched a fresh bruise on my leg and told her that no, this was not a joke. She stared at me for a little while, then gave the "whatever, you're dead anyway" look along with a wave from the hand that told me to keep going. Double trouble.

"I believe I should live for multiple reasons, the number one being for my family." I started, trying to sound as planned and professional as I could. "If I had suddenly disappeared for no reason, I don't even know what my family would do...And I don't want to even have to consider thinking about it. And even--" I was cut off once again, rudely, but this time for good.

"Sit down. I've heard enough." She said, her tone serious with every word she uttered from that big lipped mouth of hers. At first I just stood there, in the center of the classroom, wondering if she was serious. My mind was racing with thoughts, most of them saying things like "Dead" Or "You screwed up" or "Oh god this is it what do I do I can't die I'm too young what the heck" I quickly looked around for any movement from anyone, any savior to let me keep going.

But nobody messes with this jerk of a teacher.

So I began to move back to my seat, feet barely leaving the ground with every step. Then caught a glimpse of the paper she had graded me on.

Oh it was wonderful, let me tell you. It was wonderful knowing that you you were going to die.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2016 ⏰

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