The H.World Family

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Esine Vexillum stood in the open doorway  letting the wind blow inside the house. The wind toussled her short, brown mess of hair while she looked over her great back yard with her emerald eyes. Her house wasn't big, it was pretty tiny actually, but the thing that paid off about it was the back yard. They had a few flowers close to the house but the rest was just healthy green grass. The back sloped down into a small valley that lead to a little man-made stream. Though, occasionally she'd be out on the backyard chairs and see the trash that was carelessly thrown in the water. Seeing the plastic bob in the water or wrappers floating on the surface made Esine rather sick to her stomach.  But, the pollution aside, the best part was the sunset and sunrise. It was beautiful, bathing their plain white house in a mellow light while the sky was painted a pallet of pinks and yellows. And they had it all to themselves.

"Esine!" Her gaurdian called. Alon Vexillum, one of her parents, walked up from behind her and placed his hand on her shoulder. "Esine, time to go honey," He said softly with a warm smile.

"Okay, Dad," Esine said pulling herself away from the view. Alon backed up and allowed her to close the door firmly behind them. Alon still had the ghost of a smile as she pulled on her coat and exited the house. Frey Vexillum was waiting for them at the car. Frey was Esine's other parent, her Pa as she called him.

"Ready?" He asked smirking. He saw the rather blank stare on her face and slapped her shoulder. "Come on Es. It going to be great!"

Esine Vexillum was fifteen and was current going to be attending H.World Academy. At her junior high school, she and all of the other students took an entrance exam and somehow Esine had passed. In fact, Esine's score surpassed all of the state of Rhode Island and beat New York's score. Her parents were proud. The girl would've never guessed in all of her fantasies that she would be going to an Academy with such a reputation. It slightly  unnerved her. Still, with the faces of hope and pride around her, she didn't want to let them down. Even though they weren't her biological parents.

Yes, Esine was adopted at the age of three. It wasn't like it was a big secret in the family. Her adoptive parents were Alon Vexillum and Frey Armin. Yes they were both males and yes, Esine was perfectly fine with it. When Frey had married Alon, he took his last name as Vexillum because he never wanted anything to do with his name ever again. When they had adopted Esine, Alon decided to name her Esine after his deceased sister. She knew the two of them almost like friends but with a stronger maternal bond. They were all she really needed to flourish. Growing up with them had clarified her view of the world, and Esine would say that she couldn't think of a better way to grow up.

"I don't think I'll like it..." Esine said uncertian as she gazed out the window of the speeding car. The sun was beginning to set and her favorite pallet of colors were beginng to show again.

"Es, London is wonderful. Just the food is a little....terrible," Frey said. Esine was sure that the food wasn't 'terrible'; It was probably worse. If the look of a lie on Frey's face was anything to go by. "And there is the rain. Also the people there don't have good dental care.....And they don't really like Americans."

Esine visibly saw Alon roughly elbow Frey and smirked. Even if Alon was somewhat of effeminate male, he still held the power in the household. Frey had been talking to long about the negatives of her move to a new school and Alon didn't appreciate it.

"What your Pa means is that things will be different, but we're sure you'll adjust and love it," Alon said smiling bright as Frey winced. Esine smiled at him and as soon as Alon turned, she let out a soft chuckle for Frey.

After they parked at the busy airport and they got all of the teen's luggage out of the trunk, Frey finally leaned over to Esine and whispered, "Your Dad hits hard for a little person," and Esine giggled louder than she had in the car. Alon and Frey helped Esine check in her luggage and then as they neared the gates, Esine stopped suddenly. She knew that when she crossed that line, she would be going the furthest she had been from home without her parents. She was so nervous her stomach was beginning to hurt. Alon turned to check on his daughter and saw that she had stopped. He gave her a sympathetic expression.

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