| Roommates

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The brunette checked into her dorm and got a key from the lady behind the counter. Looking at the list of girl's dorms, there weren't many. Esine heard the school was recently co-ed, so the amount of girls and girl's dorms were very small. A grand total of 32 girls went to school here and there were sixteen dorms on the top level on one of the last boy dorm house. Esine felt like she was entering the testosterone ocean. She let out a deep breath and took a look at her dorm number. Number 16.

"Number 16...10.....12.....14......16!" Esine said finding her room. The girls' dorms had signs stuck to the door with sticky-tac with handwritten numbers on them. More evidence to support the lack of preparation for girls living. Esine opened the door and lightly tapped on it to give a warning to the person inside.

"Hello?" She called. The lady down stairs had told her that her roommate had already checked in earlier that day.

"Hello, My name is Esine Vexillum and I am your roommate," She continued, sounding foolish to herself. No  noise went on in the room and Esine wondered if her roommate had left to go explore or meet up with friends. ".....If you're here."

There was sudden shuffling and an older girl came from around the corner. Esine leaned over a bit  so she could get a better look at her from her partial hidding space around the corner. She had a childish face with blue eyes and short dirty blonde hair. And if Esine did say so herself, she was quite big in the chest area (she could even say that it made her jealous). 

"Oh, Hello," She said, coming out from behind the wall. "I thought you were someone else for a minute..." She trailed off but soon smiled and shook her head. "My name is Yetkaternia Braginsky, but people call me Kat for short."

Kat spoke with an accent that she assumed was Russian. Or at least what she thought was Russian. She had heard Russian people speak in a movie before and it sounded somewhat like that. Esine could feel like she was getting good at guessing; and she only figured she'd get better as she continued to go to school here.

"So, Kat, are you the student from Russia?" Esine asked putting her luggage down.

"Actually, I'm from Ukraine. But my little brother is from Russia," Kat said. "Where are--"

"Rhode Island," Esine said smiling as she grown somewhat accustom to the reoccurring question and answer.

"Oh, America, Yes?" Kat said smiling as well. Esine nodded in response

"Yes, May i ask who are Bonnie C. Jones' brothers if you know?" She asked Kat as well.

"Bonnie Jones? Oh did you meet her already? She is a pleasant girl," Kat said looking thoughtful. "Bonnie Jones comes her with her twin brother Alfred Jones and her elder brother Matvey Williams."

"Alfred and Matthew?" Esine asked for confirmation. The Russian accent distorted some of the words and names so she just wanted to be certain she got it right. Kat nodded.

"Matvey is so hard to say in Russian. We end up butchering it," Kat explained. She smiled motherly at the new student."Esine, Right?"

"Yes, By the way its a pleasure to meet you," Esine said politely. She personally didn't like being so intrusive into information about others, regardless who it was coming from. But...Esine was feeling a new desire and thirst for knowledge to quench her curiousity.  "So, Alfred, Bonnie and Matthew Jones are the american students?"

"Well, Alfred F. Jones and Bonnie C. Jones are the fullblood american students but Matvey Williams is their older half brother who was born in Canada," Kat said explaining what she knew. The girl tilted her head slightly in thought as she tried to remember if that information was right.

"Oh well, I'm just trying to figure out about her siblings she told me about," Esine said. She paused an stared at the carpet for a moment before raising her gaze back to Kat. The other new friend she had met was in her mind. If felt bad to ask questions about someone behind their back but..."Could you possibly tell me anything about Feliks Lukawichz?"

"Met him as well?" Kat asked. The american girl nodded in response. Kat gave her a look that said 'don't worry' and that she had somewhat of an idea of how Esine was trying not to be gossip-y.

"Feliks is our student from Poland. He usually cross-dresses and oddly nobody minds. Feliks is mostly shy and reserved around people he doesn't know well," Kat said hitting the points she knew about Feliks. She wasn't best friends with him, as it was hard for him to make friends and it was hard for her as well with her shyness.

"Really?" Esine asked in disbelief. She had figured that Feliks was a bubbly person who was very sociable. That is at least how he acted with her in car on the way here.

"Yes, he is quite uncomfortable around new people or those who are not his friend," Kat confirmed once more. "Why?"

"He was quite sociable to me," Esine admitted, shifting around in place. Kat rested her chin in her hand. Kat thought to herself for a moment, not really looking at Esine's shifty behavior.

"Hm. Out of character," She murmmered to herself mostly.

"Sorry if i appear nosey," Esine apologized brushing her hair out of her eyes. She sent a apologetic look to Kat; she wondered if she was making a bad impression on the Ukrainian student. "Being too curious for my own good was always a bad habit."

"Well, You are new," Kat excused her with a wave of her hand. She had a knowing smile that said she already knew. Esine had a feeling that she would like Kat very much. She was like the older sister she never had.

"So, Enough of me talking, How about you? How are you?" Esine asked. Kat and Esine talked for sometime with light conversation until Kat looked at her watch. As Kat checked her watch, Esine reflected to herself. Yes, Kat and I will be good friends, she thought to herself. I hope we get around to get to know each other more.

"Hm. I'd say its about time to go to the opening ceremony. Would you like to head to the auditorium with me?" Kat asked sincerily.

"No, Thank you for the offer though," Esine refused. "I need to take care of something."

"Okay," Kat said. She could tell Kat didn't belive her, but respected her privacy by going there by herself. "But take a coat when you leave. Its certainly gotten colder."

"Thanks for the warning," Esine said. Kat grabbed her own coat and headed out the door. Esine stood for a moment before she let out a heavy breath and collapsed on to a random bed in a bedroom. Esine wasn't very sociable--she never was-- and she found social contact with people her age very difficult. Growing up around only adults and spending a lot of time with adults, she found it hard to fit in at her old school. The distreatment there didn't help either. So meeting three new people in one day, All of which liked her, was a huge feat. She really liked these people. She could tell she really did. But despite her feelings of adoration for Bonnie, Feliks, and Kat, she felt weary from all the contact. She sighed again and sat up. She dug through her suitcase for a suitable thing to wear. Inside she found some nice clothes that had once belonged to Esine, Her deceased aunt (Sister of Alon). Esine pulled on a nice pair of dark denem jeans, a long sleeved sky blue shirt, some new boots, and a nice gray peacoat. Esine looked at her reflection in the mirror of the room, staring into her own green irises. She closed her eyes and let out a breath before walking out of the dorm and to the assembly.

Edit edit (1/16/13): tweaking things here~~

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2013 ⏰

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