| Of the New

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When Esine and Bonnie got off the plane, they had arrived in London. The city that mixed old with the new urban setting. Though the sun shone through the clouds for midday, the Rhode Islander was drifting. Esine was quite tired from the flight, but Bonnie acted like she just had and energy drink. So, as Esine yawned, Bonnie went on about how tea was gross. It was one of the many topics of little importance that Bonnie had covered.

"Do you have something against tea?" Esine asked sleepily as they waited for their luggage in the airport. She held her hands loosely as she shifted her weight a bit to stay awake.

"Its disgustin'!" She exclaimed. Bonnie's expression was near comical in horror, wondering why Esine would even suggest that there might be something good about tea. Esine laughed lightly at her.

"But i like tea," She muttered with humor, but said it low enough so Bonnie couldn't hear her. She hadn't, because her blue eyes light up as she spoted something on the converbelt.

"Oh! Theres my luggage!" She said pointing to an outlandish suitcase. When Bonnie pulled it off, Esine saw what she had done to make it noticeable. It was coveted in U.S.A stickers, a different one from every state, with a big white star on it and her name in capital letters 'BONNIE C. JONES'. She even appeared to have a quote on the suitcase.

"Whats that?" she asked as she pointed to the words.

Bonnie looked at where she was referring to. "Deo Vindice. Under God, our vindicator. Its like my motto. Or mantra. I always get the two confused."

"That's cool," Esine said lamely (though she snickered at the confusion between motto and mantra; Bonnie was funnier than she knew and she didn't even try). She felt so boring next to the energetic Bonnie, who might be more introspectiveve than she originally thought.

"That's my suitcase," the brunette said. Esine then walked and pulled off a plain army green suitcase. Bonnie just stared at the suitcase as if evaluating it.

"I mean, we don't travel often. A-and i've never taken the time to--" Esine rambled starting to feel self conscious, but Bonnie cut her off.

"Bein' simple is nice," She beamed. "Plus, its not completely bare. You do have that keychain."

The blond pointed to a woven keychain that dangled from the top with the tag. Esine nearly forgot about that. Mrs.Siria Adline, one of the people who lived and worked at Esine's old orphanage, gave Esine that charm when she left their care when she was little.

-"Here, Esi. Take this," Mrs. Siria told her, knelt down on one knee. It was a threaded shrimp charm with the colors purple, red, yellow, and mango woven into it.

"What is it?" Esine asked holding it carefully.

"I got it while I was in Asia. The man gave it to me and told me it meant good luck. So take it with you." And so the girl saw fit to put it on her suit case.-

"Oh, I almost forgot about that," Esine mummered, fondly remembering the faint memory.

"Is it special?" Bonnie asked. Cautiously, Esine might add, as though Bonnie was caring for one of her baby animals she talked so much about.

"It was a special gift. It gives me luck where ever I go," Esine replied as they started walking towards the main terminal where people would pick them up.

"Well, it must work then," Bonnie said with a smile.

"How so?" Esine asked.

"Because you met me," The elder girl said giving a dazzling smile.

"I-i guess so," Esine said smiling back. "Won't feel as alone at the academy now."

"Of course! I have saved you! But of course i would because i'm the heroine!" Bonnie exclaimed ridiculously earing some annoyed looks from the brittish. And Esine laughed geniunely for the first time in a long time. Bonnie only gave a loud laugh in the terminal as Esine knelt over both in laughter in exhaustion. Thankfully, Bonnie went an bought her a coffee (because she was the heroine) and Esine was able to wake up some for the rest of day. She felt like she wouldn't get much sleep for her first day. When they got the the lobby of the airport, there were representatives from the Academy there to intercept the new students and have them escorted to the school.

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