Cookie: Here's my new song lyrics "Monster" *cries* Don't judge me! *sniffs* hehehehe
Youtube song link on the right is "Diary of Jane" by Breaking Benjamin...the music is sort of close to the one I imagined for "Monster" :P
Black and white pic is of Emma Stone who is playing Aurora
Lyrics by: xxWhoAteMyCookiexx
Yes it's me, the Monster in your dreams
Hush Hush,
I know that everything's not quite what it seems,
that your dreams has become reality,
But it's too late! It's too late!
The love shining in your eyes has sealed your fate
I've already worked my way into your system,
And now there's no turning back
because now you love me, you love me,
this Monster who haunts you in your dreams
Don't try to fight it because it's too late,
I've drawn you in my web,
in this spiral called fate,
You can hate me, curse me
but I know that in the you'll surrender in the end
Hush , hush, it's too late, it's too late.
together we'll tame this monster,
come day, come night,
so stay here darlin' by my side
cause I'm the Monster and you're my bride
(end chorus)
I know we have our differences,
that this beast within me tries to come in between,
but if you'd reach out your gentle hand,
your touch will sooth the Monster, sooth the hunger
Nothing ever comes easy, my sweet aurora
The more I push the more you pull,
just calm down darlin'
because it's time that you understood
That it's too late! It's too late! And there' no turning baaaaaaaaaaack!
Don't try to fight it because it's too late,
I've drawn you in my web,
in this spiral called fate,
You can hate me, curse me
but I know that in the you'll surrender in the end
Hush , hush, it's too late, it's too late.
together we'll tame this monster,
come day, come night,
so stay here darlin' by my side
cause I'm the Monster and you're my bride
My briiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide! My briiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide!
I'm the monster and you're my bride
(end chorus)
The Monsters Who Love Me (On Hold)
RomanceAbandoned and left to die out in the bitter night of winter in the woods as an infant, Aurora was rescued by two unlikely companions, two men whom she has come to love deeply. But as she grows older, Aurora start to notice that her "brothers" were n...