The Strange Butterfly

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Marinette's POV
I shot my head up and looked where Chat was pointing. My eyes widen in realization of what the akuma was doing, "Chat! Careful! The akuma is putting people into comas!" Chat worriedly looks at me,"Be careful, okay?" I spin my yo-yo as a shield and leap ahead protecting both of us. I try to get a glimpse of who the akuma is this time. *gasp* it's Chloe. Of all people her, this could be dangerous.

Adrien's POV
I glanced over and saw Chloe as an akuma, she seemed to have an extremely over the top outfit and had her sunglasses on her eyes...for once. "Ladybug! Maybe the akuma is in her glasses!" I shout. She glances over and spins her yo-yo to protect herself as she runs towards the akuma. I chase after her and hit the beams she shoots in our direction. Ladybug's yo-yo is suddenly knocked out of her hands and she yelps, getting shot by the beam, knocked into a coma like the others. I froze in horror, tears beginning to form. "Ladybug!"

Marinette's POV (or ladybug)
I run to try and get close enough to get the glasses, spinning my yo-yo to protect myself. As I near my yo-yo is knocked out of my hand by the akuma and hits me with a beam. Everything goes dark.

Adrien's POV
Beep beep. Ladybug's miraculous was beginning to fade, it was probably weakened when she was hit. I don't know what to do, so I scoop her up and run away from the akuma to safety. I find an empty alleyway and place her down. Beep beep. I panic, I don't know what to do know. I can't go to the akuma right now, I can't purify it. What the hell do I do?! I can't just-*flash*
WHOOPS, another short one IM SORRY I PROMISE TO MAKE THEM LONGER. Plus this was very delayed but I'm sorta busy... I'll try to make the next one longer and try to get it quicker. But I may just let you suffer with this cliffhanger ;)

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