Oh Marinette

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Tikki's POV (Surprise!)
So now what am I gonna do! She just collapsed! Okay Tikki just stay calm, I can find something to do. I spot a vase and knock it over with all my might. It shatters on the ground and I hear her parents footsteps rushing up, I quickly fly out the window, I gotta get to Plagg.

Adrien's POV
"Hey Plagg, is she gonna be okay?" I say as I sit down on my chair, I just finished the photoshoot a few minutes ago. "Weell, I'm not sure, when the akuma came out the butterfly was a different one before it was cleansed, it was all big and the wings were different, like some kind of special akuma." "WHAT?! What do you mean not sure?! Or special akuma?' He groaned, "Every miraculous can do a one time ability for every holder, it's not like your cataclysm, you can only do it once, but only do it if it's needed. So I'm guessing Hawkmoth probably used his." I sat and thought, wait a minute I can do a once in a life time ability? "He used it? Why would he use it now?" Plagg shrugged, "I dunno, but I've given you enough information, I think I need some cheese." I sigh and reach into my pocket and toss him a piece. What's gonna happen to Marinette now? What was the special ability supposed to do? Suddenly a little red blob comes zooming in, "Adrien! Plagg!" Wait, Tikki? "Tikki? Is that you?" She zooms in front of me and panics, "Marinette just collapsed on the floor! I panicked and knocked a vase over to get her parent's attention, and I don't know what to do! Plagg knows about special abilities the most." Oh no, she passed out? I gotta get to her. "Tikki, do you know where she is now?" She nods, "Her parents took her to a hospital near the school." I grab Plagg and stick him in my pocket and allow Tikki to go in. I run out my door and on my way to the hospital.

I walk into the hospital and go up to the counter. "Um, I'm looking for uh, Marinette Dupain-Cheng?" The lady looks up at me, "I'm sorry, she's in a fatal condition currently, are you a family member?" Fatal? Oh god... I slowly shake my head, "No, uh I'm a friend..." She nods and says, "I'm sorry, you can try to come later." I sigh and begin to walk out. An idea sparks in me, Adrien Agreste can't go in, maybe Chat Noir could. I quickly walk into an alleyway right next to the hospital, Plagg, Claws Out! I run out and walk back into the hospital, "Excuse me miss, I just need to check on a few victims from an akuma attack." It wasn't strange considering I always come here to check up on victims, the whole staff practically knows me by now. "Ah! Chat Noir! Yes of course, I have the list of the victims and their room numbers right here." She handed me a piece of paper with all the names and such scribbled on the paper. "Thanks!" I say and quickly walk my way to an elevator. As the doors slide close I scan through the paper to find Marinette. No, no, not Silvia, nope, annd ah! It's Room 315. I press the button to the 3rd floor and head on up. The doors slide open and I scan the hall looking for the number, I finally see it and reach for the door, I take a deap breath and gently knock on the door and open it. I gasp at the sight, her mother is sitting down sobbing being comforted by her husband, and Marinette, oh Marinette, she's hooked up to wires, monitors, a breathing aid, and an IV stuck in her arm. She lay there unconscious, I slowly walk in and her parents look up at me with their eyes, stained with tears. My voice is shaky and barley comes out, "I-I'm Chat Noir... I was checking on akuma victims and... Oh my god." My hand covers my mouth and tears start to fill my eyes. There, was the love of my life, my only light, lying there, I slowly walk toward her, I whisper, "Oh Marinette." And fall to my knees, burying my face into my hands softly sobbing.

AH I'M SO SORRY I GOT CAUGHT UP IN EXAMS. So I decided to make an extra long and sappy chapter especially for you to make up for my absence.

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