Hidden ch.2

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 chapter 2


“Wake up Francis” daisy whispered in my ear. I love that little munchkin she is the sweetest 5 year old and the strongest at that. “It’s time for school!” “Oh daisy!!! Give me a kiss in the cheek and I will stand up” she perked her lips and gave me the sweetest kiss on the cheeks “thank you daisy, now go back to bed” I smiled. She is the main reason I can wake up every day in a good mood. I go to the bathroom and try to forget the image of my brother on the floor. I told him he shouldn’t be going to school and instead  rest but he didn’t want to stay at home with mom. I don’t blame him. Winter break is over and now it’s time for a whole new semester. I am ready. I walk out the bathroom and I wake Julian and Brandon up, “but I don’t want to go to school Francis! My tummy hurts!” Brandon always tried to come up with any reason to stay at home.  I have feeling that kids’ bully him at school. “Brandon school is important! I’ll give you some Tylenol “. Brandon was different; he cared if he had pimples on his face. He was more feminine than me. “Is he gay” my friends would ask but I truly didn’t know, if he were gay I would accept him as he is.  He was still too young to figure out his own self so I never asked.  I walked towards my mother’s room, I knocked three times in a row before opening the door.  I walked towards my mother’s dresser and open one of the cabinets. Now where did I leave my schedule! I had left it in one of the cabinets. I didn’t want to wake the monster up so I just opened the drawer she told me to never open. Yes! I found my class schedule. Just when I was about to close it I found Julian’s bag, the one that my mother had found in his room. “I wonder what’s in here” I whispered. I carefully opened the bag and the first thing that popped out was a twenty dollar bill, I continued to open the bag and the more I would open it the more money would come out! What the heck how did Julian get all this money! Maybe it is true, maybe he stills sells those dirty drugs. I was furious! I quickly closed the bag and left the room. “Hey Francis do you know where my ‘No Fear’ shirt is?” Julian asked. “No I don’t fucking no where it’s at!” I yelled back. “Someone’s on her period!” ugh! Julian told me he changed! He promised me he wouldn’t go back to selling drugs! He promised! Tears slowly caressed my cheeks. I wiped them away before anyone on the bus could see them. I sat next to Suzie Miller, we were only bus buddies. She was a thick girl with dark curly hair. I sometimes felt uncomfortable sitting next to her. Every time I talked to her she would stare at my lips. I wouldn’t consider her lesbian but bisexual. People told me she loved checking girls out in the gym locker-rooms. Who knows!  I don’t care and I am no one to judge.

 Today I didn’t feel like talking. Suzie wouldn’t speak unless I started the conversation. I starred at my class schedule I had four AP classes: English, history, and Spanish. The class I was the most excited about was advanced Art. . Give me paint and paper and I will draw about anything right from the top of my head.  “Lucky! You have art with Mrs. Harry” I turned to my right side and found Catherine Sparks staring at my paper. She had never talked to me before we had almost all the classes together, she wouldn’t dare to stare at me but now she took interest to start a conversation, how exciting!.  “Have you had her before?” I asked, “of course I have! She is one of my all time favorite teachers!” she had big beautiful lashes and plumped up lips. The girls at school made fun of her and would say she had “dick sucking lips” but they were just jealous. She was perfect she had the highest GPA in school and all the boys fell heads over heels for her. “Well now I am excited to be in her class [I giggled]” “you should be! she is such a sweet heart” she gestures her hand to me “my name is Catherine by the way” I grab her hands gently and we shake hands. “Francis Hernandez” I smiled. I cannot believe Catherine is talking to me! 

All my classes were good.. The teachers sound interesting but that’s how they all are the first day. Lunch was awkward I sat with my friends like I usually would but this time was different. Ever since Olivia and Regina got in an argument the crew was never the same. We all just stare at our foods; I’m usually the one that has to break the ice. “So how were you guy’s winter break” I asked. “it was okay” everyone answered at the same time and then went back to starring at their food. I couldn’t wait for lunch to be over! Plus I had Art next and I knew art were cheer me up. After the bell rung we all stood up and went our separate ways. I need to find myself some new friends!

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