2: Malificar

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Kiera, Jowan, and Lily emerged from the phylactery chamber after successfully destroying Jowan's

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Kiera, Jowan, and Lily emerged from the phylactery chamber after successfully destroying Jowan's. Kiera wished they could have destroyed hers in the process, but it had already been sent to Denerim's Chantry for safekeeping.

"I can't believe we did it," Jowan was saying, a smile on his face. "We're almost..." He trailed off, the smile fading as they came face to face with Greagoir, a handful of Templars, and Irving.

"Oh, shit...," Kiera breathed.

"You were right, Irving," Greagoir said, crossing his arms. "A Chantry initiate consorting with a Blood Mage."

Kiera knew they were in so much trouble. She hadn't expected the whole thing to be an elaborate trap to catch Jowan. And she and Lily were caught in the net.

"She seems shocked but in full control of her mind." He turned to Kiera and she took a step back. "And you, already flaunting the rules of the Circle!"

"I am disappointed in you, Kiera," Irving said, the disappointment clear in his voice.

"You don't care about the Mages!" Jowan shouted. Kiera could clearly hear the anger there. "You only bow down to the Templars' whims!"

"Shut the hell up before you make this worst," Kiera begged.

"Take the Blood Mage to his execution," Greagoir ordered. "The other two take to Aeonar."

Kiera felt as if the breath had been sucked out of her and Lily's eyes widened in terror, grabbing Kiera's wrist tightly. Kiera could feel the fear in her grip. Jowan stepped between them and the Templars.

"Jowan, don't!" Lily cried, afraid she was about to watch his death.

"You will not touch them! They are innocent!" Jowan suddenly produced a dagger from his robes and Kiera felt the color drain from her face as he drew the blade across his palm.

"Holy Maker!" she cried as he cast a spell that knocked every Templar and Irving out.

"You are a Blood Mage!" Lily cried in horror.

Shock turned to anger and Kiera walked right up to Jowan and slapped him so hard he staggered backward and left a red handprint on his cheek. "What the fuck is wrong with you, you idiot!?" she screamed. She normally didn't use such language, but the situation called for it.

"I dabbled. Just a little."

Kiera motioned to the Templars. "You call that dabbling!?"

"You have to come with us, Kiera. You can't stay here."

"There is no us," Lily said, backing away. "I'm going nowhere with you, Malificar."

"Lily." He took a step towards her. "I'm giving it all up. I just want to be with you."

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