Bad Boy Liam

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There he was leaning against his car with his arms crossed against his chest, his eyebrows furrowed as he stood there waiting for his friends. I couldn’t help but stare at him, there was just something about him that attracted me to him so much. I don’t know if it was just that ‘bad boy’ persona he had going on, but he was just so damn hot!

I’ve told several friends about the way I felt about him, and they simply protested saying I shouldn’t be interested in someone like him.

“All girls want at least one bad boy,” My best friend explained to me, as we walked towards my car in the school’s parking lot. “It’s just a faze, Y/N. You’ll eventually get over it and find a decent nice guy for yourself.”

“Who says he isn’t nice?” I protested, furrowing my brows at her. “I haven’t met a single person who actually knows him well enough to say he isn’t a nice guy. I mean at least from what I see everyone judges him based on his looks.”

Y/B/F/N just rolled her eyes at me and stopped at the passenger’s side door of my car, and I pushed the button on my key to unlock my car and we both got in.

“I’m just saying, if you want a shot with Liam Payne then you’ve been warned. He just looks like the type of ‘bad boy’ who would use you then dump you in a second after getting what he wants.”

I completely ignored what she said since I found myself staring right at him. He was still there leaning against his car this time smoking a cigarette, I carefully watched as he inhaled then released small rings of smoke.    

“Hello, Y/N?” Y/B/F/N yelled out, waving her hand in my face. “Are you even listening to a single word I’m saying?”

I blinked several times before glancing over at her. “Huh? What were you saying?”

“Never mind,” She annoyingly sighed, crossing her arms. “Are we leaving or what?”

I turned the key into the ignition and started the car engine before taking one last glance over at him, and to my surprise he was looking over my way. I quickly looked away from him and started to back out of the parking lot and drove out of the school campus.

After two hours from getting back from school and a ton of lecturing from my own best friend as reasons to not date ‘bad boy’ Liam I was relaxing in my room until my father came in.

“Y/N, did you take your car in to auto shop for an oil change like I told you?” He asked, as I looked up at him with wide eyes I totally forgot about that!

“Oops,” I gave him a guilty face. “I forgot about that, dad. But I’ll go right now! I still have time to get the oil changed.”

I quickly grabbed my cardigan that was hanging onto my desk chair and threw it on, dashing out of my room and down the stairs getting my car keys then ran out the front door.

I drove into the auto repair shop, parking my car into the shop’s garage where there were other cars being repaired on. I got out of the car and grabbed my bag opening it as I started to look for my wallet.

“What can I help you with today?” Someone asked me, I quickly stopped searching for my wallet to face them and I felt my heart drop—it was him.

“I—Uh,” I began to stutter like an idiot, as I felt really nervous since this actually was the very first time I have ever spoken to him. “My car needs its oil changed.”

He just nodded. “Alright then, this will just take a few minutes. You can go sit over to wait while I change the oil for you.”

I looked over where he pointed at some chairs that did have at least three people waiting for their cars to be finished repairing. I turned over to look him but he was already opening the hood of car to get started on the oil change.

I sat myself down on one of the chairs beside a man who smelt like body odor, my face started to crinkle as I couldn’t stand the smell. What’s up with people sometimes, haven’t they heard of deodorant or body spray at least a shower maybe?

I watched as Liam changed the oil to my car, a few drops of sweat slipped down his forehead but he wiped it away with his arm since his hands were stained with black oil. Just watching him at work really turned me—

“The oil has been changed.” Liam informed me out of nowhere, I didn’t even notice him standing there in front of me.

He stared down at me with his right eyebrow cocked up, apparently waiting for me to say something.

“Oh, sorry,” I apologized for not answering him right away. I stood up from the chair and looked up at him. “How much do I owe you?”

“No charge.”

I was already digging into my purse for my wallet then I look up at him again. “Huh? No charge?”

“I’m not going to charge you, Y/N.” He told me again.

“Thanks,” I smiled until I gave him a questionable look. “Wait, how do you know my name?”

He grabbed a white dirty rag with oil stains that was hanging on side of a tool box. “You’re pretty popular in school, aren’t you? I think everyone knows your name at least.”

“I guess so,” I answered nervously, tapping my fingers on my arm looking away to the side. “Thank you for the free oil change, Liam.”

He threw the white rag back onto the tool box then chuckled. “How do you know my name?”

My eyes fixed back onto him and I simply shrugged. “I’ve heard little things about you around school.”

“Let me guess,” He sighted leaning back against the wall, crossing his arms against his chest I just noticed how nice his biceps looked when he crossed his arms.

“Everyone thinks I’m some bad guy who wouldn’t treat a single person right?”

I looked down to the hard cement garage floor and nodded to what he said. Liam gentle raised my head back up by my chin to look right up into his brown eyes.

“I’m honestly not a bad guy, if you gave yourself the chance to get to know me.”

“I do want to get to know, to be honest.” I told him, I gave him a genuine smile.

He played it cool and leaned himself back onto the wall. “Well if you not busy this weekend then I’d like the chance to get to know you better.”

“And I’d like to get to know you better as well, it’s a date.”

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