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By- horannhugs 


It was almost time for Liam to pick you up from your boyfriend’s house. He was sitting on the couch moodily, unapologetic. You were in his bathroom, rushing to put on enough cover up to conceal the bruise under your right eye. Your boyfriend, Nate, wasn’t one to care about abusive behavior; he didn’t need to be drunk or even very angry to hit you. If you didn’t listen to him, he’d grab you. If you didn’t do what he asked, he’d hit you. You were alarmed to hear the front door open five minutes early and your brother’s voice saying, “Where’s (Y/N)?” “Dunno, bathroom I suppose,” Nate shrugged, not thinking that you weren’t ready and that you were just hiding in there. You rushed to hide your makeup and opened the door right as Liam was about to knock. You sent him a sunny smile, “Ready to go bro?” His smile faded and he moved closer to you, sticking out a hand and thumbing away some foundation. Before you could say anything, Liam’s eyes grew dark and his lip turned up in a snarl. He released his grip on you and stormed out to where Nate was on his laptop. Nate looked up just in time to see Liam’s fist connecting with his jaw. “You’re never seeing her again.” 

Louis: Your boyfriend had pushed you up against the wall in your bedroom, muttering something you couldn’t hear, his eyes bright. You knew the look so you closed your eyes tightly, your breath coming in jaggedly. “Are you even listening to me you idiot?” he snarled, his breath hot against your face. You opened your mouth to answer bit felt his hand go back and then hit the side of your face. Tears started to leak from your eyes and Joey chuckled, “You scared sweetheart?” “What are you doing to my sister?” someone shouted from the doorway. You both spun around to see your brother, Louis, standing there looking awestruck. Before Joey could say anything, Louis had strode forward and punched him in the nose. Joey staggered back, tripped over your book bag and fell over. Louis grabbed the collar of his shirt, hauling him to his feet and dragging him out the front door, “If you ever come back here or talk to her ever again, you won’t be able to walk home.” Louis ran back into the room after locking the door and brought you into his arms, sitting on the floor with you, “Never let someone do that to you (Y/N). You need to tell me right away next time, I love you too much babe.”

Zayn: “Can you pick me up?” you whispered into your phone, going further into your boyfriend’s parents closet and wincing as you knocked over a shoe box. The last thing in the world you wanted right now was to get your brother involved with this but you really couldn’t get out of the flat without your boyfriend finding you. Zayn heard the urgency in your tone and growled, “I’ll be over in five seconds.” As you hung up, you were rewarded with a few minutes of silence before you heard your boyfriend’s snarls and strong footsteps coming closer to the bedroom you were in. Terror flooded you as you caught your breath and closed your eyes. But right as you thought he would find you, you heard the front door of the flat slam open. You heard shouts, grunts, and things slamming for a few minutes before everything was silent. The door to the closet swung open and Zayn was standing there with messed up hair and an already showing bruise by his jaw. But he growled when he saw you crouched and hiding, “What happened (Y/N)? Was he going to hurt you?” You broke into tears, nodding and burying yourself in Zayn’s arms. “Don’t worry, I’ve got you now. He’s never going to hurt you again love,” Zayn whispered, now all gentleness, picking you up bridal style and carrying you out to his car.

Harry: He noticed the second you walked in the door, “What’s under your eye? Sis, if you’re that bad at putting on makeup maybe you should give up…” You forced out a laugh and made to run upstairs but he had stood and grabbed your arm, “Wait, that’s not makeup.” You tried to pull free from him but Harry knew right away what it was, “He’s dead.” You started crying, still in shock mode, and shook your head violently, pleading with your brother, “Don’t touch him Harry! Don’t hurt him, leave him alone. I love- I love him!” Harry cooed and pulled you to the couch, making you sit on his lap and pulling your head into his chest, “Right now, you need me. I’m not going anywhere baby, I’m staying right here with you. Let me clean it up.” He carried you into the kitchen, sitting you on a counter and wetting a dish rag. Gently, he ran it over the cut and bruise, breathing deeply and tyring to stay calm, “Why?” “I wouldn’t make him some food.” “So he’s done this before then?” “Once…about a week ago. I thought he would stop.” Harry’s hands tensed up and you saw him reaching for his car keys. Tears still pouring from your eyes, you grabbed his hand, “No Harry!” He sighed and put his hand on your cheek, wiping away your tears, “I’m not leaving you.” He waited until you had turned your head to the side before growling deep in his throat, “Not yet.”

Niall: You quietly shut the front door after yourself and made to run up to your bedroom but you heard your brother shout, “(Y/N)! Get in here! Come watch the footbal game with me!” “I’m not really in the mood Niall!” you called back in a shaking voice, resting your hand on the stair railing and starting to go up. You heard him stand up so you sprinted up the stairs, listening to him calling your name and chasing you. You went to slam your door shut but he pushed back on it and knocked you over. He was laughing as he pulled you to your feet, “(Y/N), what the heck was that all- what’s on your face?” You tripped backwards, stumbling over your words, “I-I- was, erm walking- and I- er- I fell.” “You fell…on your face?” Niall raised an eyebrow. You nodded weakly and he pulled you closer against him, “Was it Cole?” You nodded again, looking down but relived you finally told someone. Niall’s muscles tensed and he gripped you tightly, “I’m going to have a little chat with him. But when I get home you and me are going to watch movies all night…after we get you cleaned up. Next time, you better tell me (Y/N). You‘re an amazing girl, trust me. You would never deserve this. He‘s going to pay. Hurt my little sister…” Niall stormed from the room, grabbing his leather car keys and jacket and slamming the front door.

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