Revenge Leads to Pain

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There will now be a book 2, thanks to jennimar77 . It's called Revenge Leads to Pain. Here is a segment of chapter 1.

The Trandoshans growled and snarled as they waited. It was the annual hunt meeting, where each of the separate clans would boast of their hunts and prey. But one clan was missing.

Four Trandoshans entered the room, carrying a cot in their claws. The Trandoshans all stopped their muttering to watch the newcomers as they walked towards the clan leaders. They set the cot down and their feet and stepped away.

Resting in the cot was a body. It was Sskosst Veesch, clan leader for one of the smaller clans. Just weeks prior he had been bragging about how he had captured a Jedi padawan. Now he was dead, with a bullet wound to the heart.

"Who did this?" demanded Progg, one of the clan leaders.

"We found their hunting platform in the sea. None of the clan survived. We discovered Sskosst in the trophy room. We believe that the Jedi padawan and his master did this," one of the cot carriers explained. The Trandoshans roared and hissed in fury.

"They cannot get away with this," hissed a green Trandoshan.

"Prey must learn its place," growled another. The Trandoshans all shouted their approval. A single clan leader, an orange/brown Trandoshan, raised his claw into the air. Instantly there was silence.

"As you all know," the Trandoshan began, "Sskosst was my son. He was a fine Hunter. And we will honor his memory."

The Trandoshans glanced at each other. They didn't know what to think.

"We will honor his memory . . . by exacting revenge on his murderers!" he continued. The Trandoshans cheered. "We will make them suffer for the deaths of our brethren! Starting with the Jedi and his puny apprentice!"

The Trandoshans cheered louder than ever, and several waved rifles in the air.

Halfway across the galaxy, Ezra Bridger jolted awake.

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