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Roy helped Ezra climbed a cliff and slip into a crack in the stony wall. The crack was small, barely wide enough for Ezra to fit walking sideways. After turning several a times, the crack widened into a large room. A pile of coal and ashes was in the middle of the floor. Several woven mats were on the ground, along with piles of homemade tools and supplies.

"Sit down over there," Roy said. Ezra sat on one of the mats as Roy gathered supplies. He returned with several rolls of fabric and jars.

"We had to make most of our healing stuff ourselves," Roy explained as he began unscrewing lids. "Luckily we learned pretty quick."

"Have you needed to use them a lot?" Ezra asked.

"We've lost people seven so far. One to falling, two to the Trandoshans and their traps, and four to Nexu," Roy said. He grabbed Ezra's dislocated shoulder.

"This might hurt a bit," he warned. Without much warning, Roy shoved the shoulder back into place and Ezra jerked away. He tested out his shoulder before sitting back down. Roy put a green paste on the Nexu bite.

"I feel like I've heard the name Nexu before," Ezra mentioned as Roy put away the paste.

"They're not originally from here," Roy explained as he started wrapping Ezra's arm with fabric. "The Trandoshans imported them here from the Nexu's home world of Cholganna. They're most well known because one of them was used in the attempted execution of Anakin Skywalker, Obi Wan Kenobi, and Padme Amidala. The Trandoshans have started breeding them and letting them run wild so that they can be hunted."

Roy finished wrapping Ezra's arm and put it in a makeshift sling. When he was finished he stood up and began putting the supplies away.

"You should probably get some rest," Roy suggested. "You can use that mat."

Dogan entered the cave. He nodded in Ezra's direction.

"The Trandoshans are on the hunt. It's probably best to stay here until night," Dogan said. Roy nodded.

Ezra laid down on a mat and closed his eyes, but he couldn't fall asleep. Instead he laid perfectly still.

"How's the kid?" Ezra heard Dogan whisper quietly some time later.

"He's the same as all the others," Roy replied. "We've got around five days. No more than a week."

"There goes our plans."

"You can't expect me to believe you only wanted to help the kid because you thought he would help us escape. I know how you really feel. You never could hide your emotions from me," Roy told him.

"It doesn't matter how I feel or don't feel. The kid's going to die. They all die," Dogan muttered.

"Stop being such a pessimist."

"Stop being such an optimist."

There was silence for a while. Then Roy spoke again.

"He reminds you of Kylo, doesn't he?" Roy asked.

"Forget it," Dogan growled.

"That wasn't your fault you know," Roy pressed.

"I said forget it!" Dogan snapped. There was silence for a few more moments.

"We still might have a chance," Roy said.

"We'd never get into the ship unless we're dead. I'm going out to patrol," Dogan said. Ezra could hear movement before everything went quiet for good. He risked opening his eyes a crack.

Roy was staring at the exit. Dogan was gone. He closed his eyes again and finally fell asleep.

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