The pen is Mightier than the Sword Chpt 1 (Theres a chapter 0 though)

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Chapter 1- High School

Ah, high school. Classic or maybe just cliché. The bullies, honors students, popular students, and unpopular students. As usual I walked slowly towards the giant gateway that led to the school. There is no school building though. The learning actually takes place in a fenced off barren field with tables, chairs, and teachers placed here and there. The only building was the principal's office. Apparently the school's principal wanted to save money, strange considering the giant gateway was hand carved, extremely large, and made of pure gold. I suppose the principal had always been a strange man though. He always wore the same dark clothes, his hair was a mess, and he was extremely tall and thin. What made him strange though was his extremely white skin, the fact that he had a permanent look of boredom on his face, and always juggled three juggling balls using only his right hand regardless of what else he was doing (Well I hope he stopped juggling occasionally, but I guess I shouldn't think about it too much). Luckily, he almost never came out of his office, and when he did he never approached the teachers or gave anyone instructions of any sort. (I wonder if he carved the gate himself while juggling)

This school was the cheapest high school in Hell, since it was the only school without a building of some sort, and the students were from the lowest ranking families. But because of the lottery system, the magical level of students within different schools was equal regardless of family ranking. Our campus was so under-populated that the devil began forcing children from higher ranked families to attend. Nevertheless, our school was so small that there was only 1 class for each grade, each class had around 30 students.

Since telepathy and stored telepathy were basic knowledge and everyone knew how to speak there was no need to review these subjects within high school. Instead, we practiced higher level magics with teachers, practiced fighting using multiple weapons (designed for our own type of demon of course), practiced fighting, and had weekly fighting tournaments.

Other schools that actually had campuses had a variety of other classes. They even taught normal classes like home economics and art. Unfortunately, I wasn't attending a normal school. In fact, I didn't know the reason why the school bothered with desks and chairs, the only reason we might need them is for lunchtime, and no one seemed to use the desks during lunch anyway.

When I reached school, I heard my best (only) friend say "Hi Oliver, you seem to be early as usual."

"Not out of my own free will", I responded grimly. My best friend was a gnome named Charlie, not a very good friend in the long run. The first day of school he followed me around thinking that I would be ridiculously powerful like other humanoids. By the time he found out I had no real power, following me around had become a habit, and I couldn't exactly tell him to leave since even he was stronger than me.

"I see you're in a good mood today." Charlie answered, not really paying attention to me. Then again maybe he actually thought that I was in a good mood, I wouldn't put it past him.

He joined me and we walked towards the area where our first class would be held. First period was weapons class. Can you think of one thing worse than having to deal with a weapons class in which you have to spar against monsters with magic when you don't have any magic yourself? I can. Try fighting against an armed monster that can also use magic when all you have is a sword, no knowledge of how to use a sword, a talking pig as your weapons teacher, and the girl of your dreams watching the fight.

Who's the girl in question you ask? The answer is Cezanna Baltimore. One of the few high ranked demons forced to attend our school. No one else was interested in her, but of course that doesn't mean she'll have any interest in me, so I do the natural thing and make sure that when I fight someone during training, I fight the strongest person in our class, so that it isn't too embarrassing when I lose. Cezanna is a fallen angel and one of the top in our class, she was lucky and placed with other fallen angels as her parents. But although she is beautiful and an angel, the reason I fell in love with her was because she was the kindest person I had met in my life. The strongest person in our class was a vampire named Trey, strange considering vampires were usually weaker than fallen angels. He was a relatively kind person himself, but his power attracted negative attention and he somehow became the leader of the bullies in our class (well the only person that seemed to get bullied was me). Trey was about as tall as me and while I had black hair and red eyes and seemed to be the most intimidating person in our school, Trey had light brown hair and seemed rather ordinary.

My day continued as usual, I fought against Trey in both magic and weapons classes, lost humiliatingly, was laughed at, and continued to avoid Cezanna. I was perpetually aggravated by Charlie who refused to give me a second of peace (he wouldn't be so bad if he calmed down a bit). I returned to getting beaten up by Trey, who didn't really seem to enjoy beating me up and had started going easy on me around the second day of school. I ate lunch next to Charlie, who hid himself in the dirt (gnomes seem to enjoy dirt) and watched as Ken, the second in command of Trey's army of goons bullied me. Ken was a gigantic half-shark half-human monster who hated everything related to me and bullied me daily (It's beyond me how he managed to remain second in command of the classes goons when he spent all his lunch bullying me and Trey didn't hang out with any of his goons after school). Finally, I returned to class, got beaten by Trey for the rest of the day, and returned home, where I prepared myself for the next day of school.

-Tell me if I should continue story, sorry for any errors didn't proofread chapter 0, not sure of how well I proofread this one. I'm better at thinking of stories than writing them- written by deathpulse0

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