Chapter 10 - Sneaking Around

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Levi's POV:

The movie came to end and everyone in the room was silent. Drew had fallen asleep, Austin had fallen asleep and Nate had fallen asleep. Nate had his legs over my legs and his head was resting on my shoulder. I smile to myself as I slowly move and Nate unconsciously snuggles closer to me. I think we are all tired after today. Running around looking for a park, Nate falling down a hill, looking for Nate and taking Nate to a hospital.

I slide my hands under his legs and his body and decide to carry him to the bedroom. I push the door open silently with my foot and carry him gently, trying not to knock his head. I smile with relief as I manage to successfully get us both through the door and not cause injury. I look at the 2 beds and go to the one on the left and place Nate down gently on top of the covers. I then carefully moved him under the covers, with success.

Then I felt a little evil, I turned to the door and sneak back into the living room and see Austin and Drew fast asleep, I chuckle to myself as I slowly move Drew's arm around Austin and turn Austin into his side so that they are cuddling. They both move unconsciously and Drew cuddles Austin closer to him. I silently laugh and sneak back into the bedroom where I see Nate sitting up on the bed now. 'Levi?' he asks and I smile 'its me, don't worry'. 

Nate chuckles 'I'm not worried, I just need the loo and I need my crutches'. I sneak back into the living room and hand Nate his crutches. 'When you go to the loo, look at Austin and Drew but don't wake them up' I smile and he looks extremely confused. He heads back into the living room as I smile and creep out of the hotel room and into mine and Drew's to collect my Pokemon blanket. 

When I go to open the door, I see that I am locked out of the hotel room and I gently tap on the door. I hear crutches silently pressing against the floor and I tap on the door gently and whisper 'Nate?' through the door. The taps of the crutches come closer and closer until I hear someone whisper back 'hello?'. I chuckle 'its me'. 'Levi, is that you?' Nate asks and I smile 'yes, its me'. The door opens and he gives me a slightly confused look until he sees my blanket. 

Nate hobbles to the side and lets me past. As we creep to the bedroom, we hear movement on the chair. We stop and look over to the chair as Drew unconsciously snuggles Austin closer to his chest. I look at Nate and laugh, Nate smiles 'Instagram?'. I nod slowly and take a deep breathe as my camera flashes. I put the picture up with #draustin. When the picture is on Instagram, I decide to upload it to Twitter too with the same hashtag. 

Me and Nate sneak back into the bedroom and I remove the original hotel blanket from the bed and Nate smiles as he climbs on the bed and I put my Pokemon blanket down. I slip my shirt off and climb into the bed next to Nate and he snuggles into my side. 'I really love you Nate' I whisper kissing his forehead. 'I love you too Levi' Nate replies trying to stretch to peck my cheek, but starts having trouble with his leg and decides not to move as much,  so he pecks me on my neck.

Drew's POV:

I walk around the hotel room looking for everyone until I see Levi standing at the door smiling 'hey Drew, Nate's fallen asleep'. I sit down on the chair and Levi joins me before sighing 'Drew, I need some advice'. I smile and turn to him 'whats up?'. Levi bites his lip 'what do you do if you love 2 people?'. I shrug my shoulders 'as bad as this sounds, I'm not sure. Who do you love more?'. Levi responds with a shrug of his own 'I don't know'. 

'I'm guessing Nate is one of them?' I ask and Levi nods. 'Whose the other?' I ask curious and Levi just shakes his head this time 'I can't say sorry'. I smile and nod 'thats ok'. The room goes awkwardly quiet and me and Levi look towards each other. I stand up and smile 'I might go and get some pizza'. Levi stands up 'wait'. Levi's eyes look red, like hes been crying. His eyes flicker from my eyes to my lips and we slowly start to both lean in.

My lips touch his lips and they felt nice and smooth. It was just a kiss, not a snog, just a sweet long kiss. I pull away slowly and hear someone sniffling 'Levi? How could you?'. Nate hobbles away slowly out of the hotel door. My heart shatters and I can tell Levi's did too. 

'I don't think he wants to speak to me anymore' Levi bites his lip worried and I smile 'you should go after him and tell him it was a mistake'. Levi shakes his head 'he won't listen'. I sigh and hug Levi 'go get your man'. Levi's eyes flicker back to my lips and he pecks them 'thank you'.

I slowly open my eyes and feel my lips pressed against something, my eyes then widen in realisation that I am kissing Austin in my sleep. I take a moment to think about what is happening. Our legs are tangled, his arms are on my chest and my hand is........ wait...... am I touching Austin's bum?

I look down awkwardly and notice that my hand is resting on Austin's behind and I slowly lift my hand and untangle my feet. I hear soft snores coming from another room and presume thats Levi and Nate's. I bite my lip and think of my dream again. Why did I dream of kissing Levi? I know I kind of fancy Levi, but I don't want to ruin our friendship. I look up to see Levi standing in the doorway, the same one as my dream and I take a deep breath 'morning'. 


Hi There!

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter!

I hope you're all ok too!

Anyhoo, you're all amazing Tiders so don't forget to smile!!!!


A Nevi Love Story (The Tide - Levi Jones/Nate Parker)Where stories live. Discover now