Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Gaby P.O.V

I was sitting on the couch waiting for Arianna to come back. I knew where she was but, I knew she needed time to herself. Her mates were freaking out because it was really late. I'm so happy that she found her mates. Now, they will be able to protect her like I couldn't. I am such a terrible sister. I should have noticed when every time I hugged her she would flinch.

I was so into my thought that I didn't see Caleb and Calvin walk into the living room.

I looked up at Caleb and he said, "Maybe we should go and check on Arianna." I looked at Caleb and said "We should give her a few more minutes and we will go get her. She just needs time to process everything." Caleb and Calvin both nodded their head and sat on the other couch across the room. I can't wait till I find my mate. Maybe he will stop the abuse too. I was deep in my thoughts when Arianna screamed in the mind link "Gaby get both of my mates". I put my hands to my head and fell on the floor.

Caleb and Calvin both helped me off the floor and unto the couch and said "Arianna needs you and she is in trouble. Follow me". I walked outside and Caleb and Calvin both followed. I told them to shift and Caleb turned into a black wolf, and Calvin turned into a black wolf with silver paws. "There is no time to explain but I have a special power. But, I need you to listen very carefully to me. I am going to teleport to the tree house and when I get there you should be able to pick up my scent. When you pick up my scent all you have to do is follow it. It will lead you to the tree house. Now, smell my shirt." I said while letting Caleb and Calvin smell my shirt.

They both barked and I knew that they were ready. I closed my eyes and focused on the sounds around me. I pictured the tree house that dad made for me and Arianna. The wind started to pick up and, I opened my eyes and I was at the tree house. I knew that it would take them a while to get to the tree house. So I ran to the latter and climbed up two at a time and when I got to the top of the latter and looked to the small full bed in the room and my heart stopped. Arianna was naked and there was blood everywhere.






I was going to stop here but I thought about it.






I ran to the twin bed and saw Arianna's body covered in bruises. She had blood all over her face, chest, stomach, and thighs. I looked around the tree house and remembered that there was a first – aid kit under the twin bed. So, I reached my hand under the bed and pulled out the first – aid kit. I started crying while, cleaning the blood off of Arianna. I heard someone coming up the latter to the tree house but, I didn't pay attention to it.

I took a wipe out of the first – aid kit and cleaned all the blood off her face, chest, stomach, and thigh. 2 loud growls erupted around the tree house and I whimpered because they were full of rage and power. I bowed my head and started to wipe the blood off between Arianna legs when she whimpered and closed her legs so that I couldn't wipe them.

Calvin grabbed my arm in a vice grip and pulled me off the bed. He growled in my face "Gaby, can you please teleport use to the pack doctor." I bowed my head and said "Yes My King." Caleb picked Arianna up and I grabbed Calvin's hand and put my other hand on Caleb's shoulder. I closed my eyes and focused on the sounds around me. I pictured the swings, the pool at the pack house, and all the kids laughing and playing. When I opened my eyes we were at the pack house.









Picture of the tree house on the side!




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Thank you so much for reading & I will be updating soon.

Dedication to KERSTINEVANILLA for making this wondeful cover for " Save Me"!! Go and Read her books they are awesome. My favorite one is Sweet & Sour (Menage Story). It is awesome so, go check out her page and read some of her books.

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