Chapter 8

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"Come on we have to look for that girl Arianna for Alpha James before he kills us". Boy number 2 said while talking off his shorts and tying them back to his ankle and changed back into his wolf. They both ran away from the lake.

"We have to go and tell Caleb and Calvin before they come back!" Gaby whispered while climbing down from the tree. "I know let's hurry." I said while climbed down from the tree. Me and Gaby started running back to the pack house. We were half way there when two wolf's jumped out of the bushes. They both looked familiar too. Me and Gaby both gasped when, we realized that these were the 2 rogues that were looking for me.

One of the rogues was a brown wolf and the other was a red wolf. They both started circling us. Me and Gaby pressed our backs together and I screamed through the pack link " Mate Help Us!"

"Gaby what are we suppose to do?" I said while watching the red wolf try to snap at my feet. I pressed more into Gaby's back. "I hand no clue." Gaby said. The rogues kept trying to snap at our feet.

Me and Gaby growled at them and they growled more viciously at us. Me and Gaby whimpered and I pressed more into her back. The red wolf stopped in front of me and started to smell the air. While, I was panicking my scent came back. When I looked into the red wolf eyes it recognized my scent and leaped at me.

Chapter 8

Arianna's P.O.V

When the red wolf leaped at me, I closed my eyed and put my hands up. I heard a wolf whimper and I slowly opened my eyes. There around me and Gaby was a blue force field.

"Oh My God!" I said while putting my hands down. The force field stayed up and I could feel myself holding it there with my mind. I looked at Gaby and asked "Do you have powers too?" She looked at me and said "Yes." I looked at her with a hurt expression. I masked my emotions and said "Oh". I turned around and looked at the two rogues. They were growling and circling around the force field.

A long howl rang around the clearing and the two rogues stop circling the force field. 3 wolf's came into the clearing. One wolf was all black, another was black with so silver paws, and the last wolf was white with black ears. They all recked of power. I felt attracted to the two black wolf's.

The two black wolf's circled around the two rogues. The white wolf walked over to the force field, looked at me, and bowed its head. It lifted its head up and looked behind me. I remembered Gaby was behind me. I turned around and looked at Gaby and asked "Is this Hunter?" Gaby looked at me and said "Yes, this is Hunter."

I let the force field down with my mind, and Hunter ran to Gaby. Bones started to pop and crack and the white wolf turned into a human. I turned around and looked at the two black wolf's. The rogues had turned back to humans and were putting on pants. I looked at the two black wolf's and I knew that they were Caleb & Calvin. Bones started to pop and crack and the two wolf's morphed into my two handsome mates.

They took the pants that were tied to their ankle and put them on. I looked at the two rogues and they looked petrified. I chuckled in my mind. "They are going to get it. Look at Caleb and Calvin eyes they look so sexy." says Celeste {My Wolf}. I giggled out loud and covered my mouth. I looked up and Caleb was looking at me with amusement in his eyes. He looked back down at the rogues and his eyes turned black.

"Now we are going to ask the questions and you are going to answer them. Is that clear?" said Calvin.

"Whatever" both rogues said. Calvin's eyes turned silver and I gasped. The two rogues grabbed their neck and their faces started turning red.

"Do I make myself clear?" Calvin said again while getting down to their eye level. "Yes My King." said the two rogues while removing their hands from their throats.

"Good. Now, who sent you here?" Calvin said while standing up straight. "Alpha James sent us to come and get Arianna and bring her to him." The rogue on the left said.

"Well, You can't have her because she is MINE!" Calvin said. Calvin look behind me and said "Kill Them!" I looked at the rogue on the left and saw him pull out a knife from his pants pocket. "No!" I screamed while running to Calvin but, I didn't make it in time. Calvin looked at me with a pained expression, while falling to the ground. I ran to Calvin, put his head in my lap, and covered his wound.

"You can't die on me now. We didn't do anything fun yet. I love you with all my heart, and I don't want you to leave me. Please Calvin, please. " I said while crying and looking at him. "You are my world, and I'm not going to leave you. We will mate, have a lot of children, live in a big house, and grow old together. I......I......... love......... you." Calvin said while closing his eyes. I put my head on his chest and started sobbing. I started to feel pain in my lower abdomen, and I looked at my stomach.

There was blood on my pants and I had a cut on my stomach. I looked up and Caleb was fighting the red haired rogue. I fell on my back and I could feel a puddle of blood around me. Caleb had killed the rogue and was changing back into a human. Caleb started running towards me and that was the last thing I saw before I black out.








Why is Arianna bleeding?

Is Calvin died?

Why did the rogues call Calvin king?

Sorry if their is any misspellings. I used my phone.

Picture of Covers that i made for books.



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