Chapter 9

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"Well, You can't have her because she is MINE!" Calvin said. Calvin look behind me and said "Kill Them!" I looked at the rogue on the left and saw him pull out a knife from his pants pocket.

"No!" I screamed while running to Calvin but, I didn't make it in time. Calvin looked at me with a pained expression, while falling to the ground. I ran to Calvin, put his head in my lap, and covered his wound.

"You can't die on me now. We didn't do anything fun yet. I love you with all my heart, and I don't want you to leave me. Please Calvin, please. " I said while crying and looking at him.

"You are my world, and I'm not going to leave you. We will mate, have a lot of children, live in a big house, and grow old together. I......I......... love......... you." Calvin said while closing his eyes. I put my head on his chest and started sobbing. I started to feel pain in my lower abdomen, and I looked at my stomach.

There was blood on my pants and I had a cut on my stomach. I looked up and Caleb was fighting the red haired rogue. I fell on my back and I could feel a puddle of blood around me. Caleb had killed the rogue and was changing back into a human. Caleb started running towards me and that was the last thing I saw before I black out.

Chapter 9

Caleb's P.O.V

As soon as Calvin was stabbed by the rogue, I broke the other rogues neck and I turned to the red haired rogue and phase into my wolf. Me and the red haired rogue were circling around each other. I looked for a weakness and saw that he had a skar on his knee.

I toke my chance and bite his knee. He whimpered and tried to bite my ear. I jumped back and growled and the red haired rogue whimpered. The rogue turned around & was about to run to the packs border line but, I saw his plan. I ran and jumped on his back. He flipped me over and tried to bite my neck.

I pushed him with my hind legs and he fell to the ground but, got up quickly. I ran over to the rogue and jumped on his back and grabbed a hold of his neck. He started to struggle but, I twisted his neck with my jaw and the rogue went limp. I looked over to Calvin and Arianna and Hunter was checking both if their pulses.

I ran over to them and Hunter said "Their both unconscious. Arianna's heart beat is slowing down. We have to hurry up." Hunter picked up Calvin and started running to the pack house. I gently picked up Arianna and started running beside Hunter. "Where is Gaby?" I asked while looking at him.

Hunter looked at me and said " I took her to our pack house Alpha. I didn't want to take her back to Alpha James pack. She is getting the pack doctors." The only reason we came in Alpha James territory is to form an alliance and live on the same land so we could help each other if we have a war but, now me are enemies and I am going to kill him for hurting my mate.

10 minutes later we made it to the pack house. When we got there Gaby was standing outside with my dads, the pack doctors, Joseph and Joshua. My dad Joseph tried to take Arianna out my hands but, I growled at him. He looked at me and raised his eyebrow. I groaned and passed Arianna to my dad.

He ran inside the house to the emergency ward with Gaby hot on his heals. My other dad, Joshua, took Calvin inside the house and into the living room and placed him on the couch. My dad lifted up Calvin's shirt and inspected his wound.

"His wound has already healed. All he needs is something to wake him up." My dad said while made his way into the kitchen and I followed him. He opened a cabinet and pressed a button on the wall and a safe appeared.

"What are you doing?" I exclaimed. My dad put in a combination into the safe and he opened it. "I am giving him an adrenaline shot to wake him up. You only need to use it if necessary. The combination is 3721." My dad said while walking out the kitchen and into the living room. My dad looked at me and stabbed Calvin into the heart. 5 seconds later Calvin jumped up and tried to push our father but, Calvin pushes an empty space. My dad had turned invisible so, that Calvin wouldn't hurt him.

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