Some Parents...

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Some parents want the best for their child, but they can be too protective. Not letting their kid watch certain shows, have their first kiss until their like 20, and not being able to ship certain ships.
My complications are that you have to let kids learn on their own and if they mess up, don't fix it. Let them fix it and help. It also qualifies that a parent won't let their kid hang out with certain friends.
Now if their friends are drug pushers or something then yeah I get where they are coming from, but if their friend is into anime and wears black then what's the problem?!?!?!
Now there are also the mostly carefree parents that you could walk out of the house, say "where you going?" You lie or something and their fine with it. That's kinda my mom. My dad though we shall not speak of, mostly because he has invented his own category called a father who doesn't give a shiz.
Then there are the parents that we all love! The fun parents that have some rules, but not too many and always have a great time. But then if those parents get to the realization that certain things can happen they turn kinda strict, cranky, or whatever you want to call the mood.
I love my mom no matter what type of parent she is and wen though sometimes I feel as though she is the worst person in the world I just remember that when she is gone, there's no getting her back. No saying sorry.
My point, my little lions is that no matter what type of parent love and cherish them. (Except I could honestly care less about my dad. I don't even know if I have any good memories with him!)
Love you Lions and if you have any problems or chapter ideas please comment and let the sh*t-storm begin! (100 points to their HP house to whoever gets that and comments where it's from and their house so I can add points!)

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