First met

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You got tickets to go to Austin Mahone's concert. You went with your bestfriend because your mom said either you go with someone or she's joining you. What's worse than your own mother going to a teen concert with you. You begged (Y,B,F,N) to go. She kept declining all your offers. Till you found her weakness, chipotle. You promised her you'll buy her chipotle if she'll go. Within minutes of the offer she accepted.
When the concert ended you had called your mom to pick you up. While you were walking to your car you bumped into someone. Knocking both of you on your butt. He was wearing red shoes and white ripped jeans.

"Watch where your goi-"You paused when you noticed it was Austin.

"Hey sorry didn't see you coming" Austin said with a sincere smile. Reaching out his hand to help you up. You sat there looking as his arms for a while. They were very muscular but looked much bigger from your angle. Once you finished day dreaming and staring at Austin you accepted his helped. Once you got on your feet, you said "its ok. Sorry for bumping into you." Your mom texted you "where are you. Hurry up." She was always over protective and really impatient.

"It's okay I should have been watching where I'm going" Austin blushed. Your mom kept texting you telling you to come. "Well nice to meet you I should go and loved your concert by the way." You flaunted a smile. Looking straight into his mint green eyes.

"Thanks. Do you have a twitter so I can dm you?" He asked politely. Flashing his a million dollar smile that lights up the room without him trying.

"No. I have Instagram though." You suggested.

"(Y,n) we need to go your mom blowing up my phone too." (Y,B,F) said tugging your arm. She wasn't the biggest fan of Austin. Only reason she decided to go is because you've convinced her join you.

"Wait whats your Instagram" Austin asked quickly.

"Its pretty long maybe next time I see you ill tell you"

"Can't be too long"

"Y,N we really need to go your mom is getting impatient. I texted her we're coming she won't stop texting." Y,B,F nagged.

"Wait. Here please put in your number. It's the lest I can do after knocking you on your butt." Austin handing you his phone. You took his phone and put Y/H/N (Your home town name) as the contact. "Thank you. Bye"
YBF just pulled your arm. Forcing you to trail after her. Austin caught up to us at the front door. I was going to say my bodyguards can help you guys go to your car quicker"
"Aw thank you bu-"

"Yes please thank you" Y/B/F cut you off before you were able to decline his help. Austin walked with you and gave you his number while on the way to your car. He put his contact as Austin M with the a heart emoji.

"This is it. Thank you so much for everything."

"Don't mention it." Austin said sweetly. Flashing his beautiful smile again.

"Bye" you couldn't stop smiling. It was like your face was paralyzed.

"Now I see what took you girls so long. Sorry" Your mom said once you both got into the car. You didn't say anything. From still being mesmerized that you bumped into Austin.

You texted the number Austin gave you. 2 hours later no reply. You stayed up for another hour hoping Austin would reply.  Yet still nothing.

Next Day
Y,B,F texted "Morning. Has he texted you yet?" She strongly believed it was to good to be true. Well seemed like she was right. You still haven't gotten a text or call back.
"No you were right."

"Sorry love. Ik how excited you were."

"It's w.e"

3 hour later you came back from the volleyball practice. "Hey some guy called while you were at practice" your mom said. "Oh who"

"I don't know. Contact says Austin guessing a kid from school. Something you haven't told me." Your mom would always jump into conclusions.

You laughed "No mom that Austin Mahone"

"Oh sorry I didn't pick up. But be careful please" she flashed her stern look.

When you got home you raced to your phone. You called him. First ring no answer, second ring no answer, third no answer, fourth ring no answer The calle-. "Hello?" You didn't say anything thinking it was his voicemail. "Hello anyone there?"

"Oh hi this is the girl from yesterday at your concert. That we bumped into each other."

"Oh that really cute fan with the really concerned mother" He laughed. "Yes I remember. Hey what's up. Sorry I didn't text back  yesterday the tour life is kinda hectic"
"Oh it's fine trust me."
"Hey would it be okay if I call you in like 30 minutes"
"Yes of course bye"
"Bye 30 minutes I promise bye" He laughed. You screamed into your pillow making sure your parents won't hear you. And rush into your room asking millions of questions. Yes Austin it's really him.

Austin Mahone ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now