Nice to see you again

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You and Austin have been texting and calling each other ever sense he gave you his number. Austin texted you ''I am going to (your hometown name) for a concert''. You already knew you tried buying tickets but they were all sold out. You and Austin planned a friendly date. If only it was a real date but he didn't see you like that. The date was at a pizza place best in your hometown. You both wanted the same pizza so you shared a medium one. When Austin only had 5 hours till his concert he decided to go.

Austin shrugged "5 hours till the concert I should go, do you want me to drive you home?"

"Um.. I am okay I'll just call my mom to pick me up"

"Please I want too and I don't want you to bug your mom" Austin pouted flashing his puppy dog face.

"You know I love when you do that face. But it's still a no. My mom won't mind."

" I will though what type of friend leave you alone. And more time together." He winked. Causing you burst out in laugher. "Okay dork."

Austin had the biggest smile you ever seen on in your entier life. On drive home Austin asked "Are you going to my concert?"

"Sadly no" you signed.

"Why?" Austin said in such a confused tone.

"Well when my parents went to get my ticket but they were all sold out."

"Oh well I got 6 ticket to give to my Mahomies"

"My house is a block away and cool must be co to see their reactions when they receive it''

"It is I love seeing their smiles when they see me and it's all more fun hand them the tickets and some freak out or cry"

"That's my house seventh one. Do anyway just keep their cool"

"Some do its rare though. What can I say my mahomies are a bit crazy."But before you go here" He pulls out two concert tickets.

"No I can't" you felt bad that your taking ticket for someone who may need them more then you.

"Just take it. I know you want too. And the show wont be as fun if i don't see you in the crowd."

"I don't want you to think im using you really I am good. Anyway their too many girls for you to see." You started to feel bad because you could see in his eyes how much he wanted you there. "Thanks but no thanks" You kissed his cheek before you get out of the car. Once you got out your pecked your head through the door before closing it. "I had a great time. Thanks." Before he could say anything you closed the door.

Austin scrolled down the window "Me too but I wont anymore"


"I won't be able see you singing along with me and flashing your beautiful smile"

You began to blush looking like a cheery "Aw  dang it Austin...Fine i'll take ticket but only one so at lest 5 other fans can go"

"Deal. See you there" he handed you the ticket. Before rolling his window up he said "It's at 7:00pm but come at 6 cause I have a surprise for you."

"Okay bye" you waved bye while he rolled out your drive way.

You told your mom it was at 6 and you wanted to be one of the first to be there. So you got there at 5:30pm. All you saw was a herd of fan waiting to be able go inside. You texted Austin you where here. He asked you meet up with his  bodyguard. Where the fan could not see to not cause a scene. He took you to the back of the arena. Where the tour buses were. 5 minutes later Austin unlocks door so you can come in.

"Hi beautiful"

You blushed "Hi why you call me go 1 hour before? Although I'm like 1 hour and 25 mins before" you laughed

"Great timing. I think any later the mahomies would had seen you. And the reason I asked you come early was to meet some people."

"Okay who am I meeting?" You guessed it was Alex his bestfriend.

"You'll see" Austin said holding your hand dragging you to the backstage of the arena. "Close your eyes please" You did as you were told. "Okay now open"

"Oh my gosh hi" It was foolish four.

Alex, Zach, and Robert laughed and said "Hey"
You all started talking till it was 1o minutes till concert started. They where all really chill and goofy like Austin. "While guess I should go to my spot."

"Unless you want to be backstage with us?'' Alex asked.

"I would love too but i think its best. Me being in the crowd but thanks"

"Okay bye if you want to backstage just text me " Alex said while giving his phone to you to put your number in.

"Hey! Back off she mine" Austin said teased laughing.

You laugh at Austin's remark and said "Bye"

20 minutes before the concert ended you texted Alex to go backstage to say bye to all the guys. Alex sent the bodyguard who took you to the back door to pick you up in front the bathrooms. He took you backstage where you were greeted by Alex, Zach, and Robert. Once the concert ended you got text by your mom. Say "I am here I understand there's a lot of people but sense your alone try your best to come as fast as you can after 10 minutes I am calling cops to make sure your not kidnapped." You weren't surprised it's a typical text from your mom. Austin was still saying his "I love you to his fans"

"Hey guy I got to go please tell Austin I said bye"

"Don't sweat it guy. Why are you leaving so fast" Austin said.

"Since I am alone my mom wants me be in her car in 10 or she calling cops to get me to make sure I am not kidnapped".

Austin opened his arms for a hug."Oh I understand well lets not bother the cops bye"

You hugged Austin "Bye"

"I'll take you to back door so you get there faster"

"Ok thanks"

While leaving heading to your car you got a text by Austin saying "Thanks for coming ❤".

Austin Mahone ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now