Set up

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It has been 7 days since the move to Miami. Austin has been supporting ever since he found out. The only places you had been was Family Dollar, Wal-Mart, McDonald, and Subway. We found out where the subway was because you asked Austin. After eating McDonalds for 2 days straight. Luckly Austin give you the one that is located in a Wal-Mart. So you got to buy somethings you need to feel more like home.

You moved during spring break so there was no school. To keep you busy you would search about the places around Miami. You where dying to go to the beach. While searching about your new school and cable. Austin sent you a text. It read "Hey, what's up? I just finish tour so heading back to Miami today. Just wondering if you want to hang out tomrrow and try the best pizza🍕?"

"Um...Is it like a date?"

"Yeah kinda and someone must be bored answering super quickly"

"Have to ask my mom and I am a lil I have no cable or internet so have to use my phone for everything"

"Aw someone dying without wifi but ask her I really want you to taste the 🍕 it's sick 😃 and its 2 or 3 blocks away from Subway I told you about theres a Bright House too btw"

"She said yes but I can't come home any later then 7:00pm and thanks so much 😊"

"Perfect i'll pick you at 2:00pm and np"

"Great see you then 😏"

Luckily you found a mall and went shopping with your mom like you always do. You bought 4 great outfits. Like every teenage girl you have trouble picking which outfit to wear. You slept on the thought of which outfit you should wear for tomorrow.

Outfit 1

Outfit 2

Outfit 3

Outfit 4

Next day, you have your whole look planed out. The outfit you picked was the one you feel most comfortable in because you know Austin likes when you comfortable.(Which ever outfit from the four you feel more comfortable in) While putting on your makeup you got a text message it was 1:37pm so Austin should not be here yet to take you to the pizzaria. "Hey I might need 2 change plans a lil bc of my flight delay sorry 😩"

"It's ok I understand what time?"


"Ok sys 😉"


"Wait do you know my address"

"Yeah you told me when u asked for closet Subway"

"Ok ☺️"

It 6:00pm and Austin still has not texted you. You got sick of waiting and took another shower and tried to go to bed. You couldn't go to sleep hoping Austin would text you saying sorry my delay was later then expected. So you play on your phone. Going to to see the whether tomorrow. You see a news that says a plane crashed that was heading to Miami. And all that went through your mind was Austin could of been on that plane, I am getting all mad at him when he could be died, lost, or hurt. You started to balling your eyes texting Austin like crazy saying "Austin r u on that plane that crashed Please answer!!" "Austin I am sorry I was mad bc you set me up when you could be hurt and lost." "PLEASE ANSWER ME I LOVE U AND I DONT WANT 2 LOSE U PLEASE''. "If a doctor or someone finds this phone please answer me please was he on the plane that crashed" "His password is Mahomies". "PLZ ANSWER ME 😢". To be continued...

Austin Mahone ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now