Chapter Seventy Two

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"I'm going to be fine Jennifer. You don't need to worry. I've been hurt before, I've pulled through." He reasurred me.

"Yeah but have you been shot before?!" I snapped a little, tears still falling down my face. "Sorry." I mumbled seconds later.

"No I haven't. I'm just a little sore right now, I'm gonna be fine." I let out a shaky sigh before nodding. "Pass me my son." I smiled lightly and gently handed Alex to him. Jason placed him on the bed, opposite the side where he was shot.

"Daaaa." Alex said looking up at Jason with those huge brown eyes of his. They're just like Jasons. We both laughed at his cuteness.

"Dad." Jason corrected him.

"Daaa." He said again, giggling afterwards.

"No Daddy." Jason said.

"Da." Jason playfully rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"He'll learn someday." I laughed and sat on the chair next to the bed. The doctor walked in the room.

"How are you feeling Jason?" He asked. Jason shrugged.

"Okay I guess. Just sore."

"You will be for a while, the bullet hit a vital organ. You're lucky you got through the operation, things could have ended much worse." The doctor said. "I need to take a check up on it every few hours. I need to see it." Jason pulled the covers off the top of his torso revealing his toned abs. Jason looked at me and smirked, as if he was reading my mind. The doctor took off all the plasters covering where Jason was shot. I managed to take a quick look. It was the most awful thing I've ever seen. I hate anything bloody. I could never ever be a surgon. Once the doctor was all done I broke the silence between all of us.

"When do you think Jason can get out?" I asked. The doctor sighed and shrugged.

"We need to keep an eye on him for a few days. After that we just need to give him the medicine he will need then he can go." The doctor replied writing on some paper thing. The doctor left the room and immediately Jason groaned loudly.

"Whats wrong?!" I asked, panicking incase he was hurt.

"I hate hospitals." He said. I chuckled lightly. "They're boring." I nodded in agreement.

"I know right." Jason held his hand out for something. I looked at him confused.

"My phone. Did you honestly think I was going to forget that you had it?" He asked smirking. I grabbed it out og my back pocket and handed it to him. "Wow, there is wi-fi in here." He said with a chuckle. I yawned loudly.

"You don't have to stay you know? You can go home." I shook my head.

"I wanna stay here with you." I replied lying back on the chair.

"Well go to sleep then." I nodded and closed my eyes, falling asleep within minutes.


"Jennifer." I was awoken by someone saying my name and shaking me. "Wake up baby." I opened my eyes and saw Jason. "I have some good news." Jason said smiling.

"What?" I asked.

"The doctor says I'm well enough to go home today. They just need to do some final checks." I smiled huge.

"Really?" I asked, excited. Jason nodded. I smiled. "Yey!" I yelled. The doctor came in and did some final checks on Jason before taking the IV out of his arm. We had to sign a few papers before we go and the doctor handed Jason some medication for the pain.

"Take one before breakfast, one before lunch and one before dinner. The maximum you can have in a day is 5 so only take them if you really, really need it." Jason nodded taking all the information in.


Jason flopped down on his back onto the couch.

"I'm so glad to be out of that hospital. We're gonna need a new carpet in Alex's room though." I nodded in agreement.

"Jess called the guy who we got the carpet from he said he said he can easily replace it."

"I'm surprised he didnt freak out when Jess told him that there was a new carpet needed because there was a huge blood stain." Jason said.

"Dont worry, he's Jess' cousin. What do you want for dinner?" I asked. He shrugged thinking.

"How about a Chinese?" I shooke my head.

"I don't really like Chinese food."

"Pasta? I'll even make it for you." Jason kindly offered.

"Jason you're hurt. I'll make it."

"I'm fine. I haven't cooked for you for ages." He whined.

"You can do it when you get better." I said beginning to make our dinner.

How Can I Love You? You're A Criminal -Jason McCann-Where stories live. Discover now