17~ Flying

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"So this is how a airport is?" I looked around curiously. It looked like millions of people were walking all over. But really, there was probably only a thousand or more.

"Yeah, it's pretty crowded." Mika chuckled as he carried our bags and we walked to our plane. "Jave you ever been on a plane?"

"Once" I looked up at him, "When I was a lot younger."

Mika nodded his head a I replied to him. "Don't worry, it's not that bad."

"That's what they all say." I joked.

Mika laughed, "For a person who has been on a plane plenty of times, you can trust me." We both giggled then we stood in line to get our plane tickets. It was so packed, that the lines were SO long.

Finally, it was our turn to get our tickets.

"Full name?" The airline staff lady asked Mika.

"Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr." Mika answered.

"You ma'am?" She looked at me.

"Elia Brooks." I told the worker.

She nodded at me then asked both of us for ID. Mika and I took out our I'D and even our passports so we can go.

"Alright! You're all set to go! Have a great trip!" She smiled at us.

"Thank you." Mika smiled back. Then we both started walking away.

"Wait, aren't you that singer.., you're that Mika?!"

Mika turned back chuckled nervously, "Haha, yeah." Mika put his hand through his hair as he walked back.

"I'm a huge fan of your music!" Then she made eye contact with me then back at Mika, then back to me, "Are you two dating?" She said quietly.

Mika and I gave glances at each otyer, his eyes read that it was okay to tell her, I gave him a small nod. "Yeah, we are." Mika smiled at me.

"You two are so cute!" She admired us two. "May I get your autograph?" She asks Mika.

"Yeah, of course!" He smiled. The lady handed Mika a piece of paper and a pen. "What's your name?"

"Sandra." She answered his question.

"To the lovely Sandra for handing me our plane tickets, thank you. X Mika" Mika read as he wrote for Sandra.

"Thank you so much!" Sandra thanked Mika.

Mika smiled, "Anytime." Mika grabbed my hand as we walked to the gate. I wasn't used to Mika getting all of this fame. Well, it was my very first time going on a tour with him. I was really happy for him, it was amazing and it even brought a smile to his face, which made me even happier. "It's gate A, right?"

I nodded, "Yeah."

"We made it to the gate!" Mika smiled widely, "About five minutes and we can start boarding the plane."

I was excited, it has been years since I ever been on a plane.

Finally it was time for us to get onto the plane. I couldn't wait! Mika and I had to be searched and even our bags before we could get on. It was a little award to be honest, but I guess it was worth it so we could go. We were good to go and that's when we got to go on.

Mika and I sat in our seats, Mika was nice enough to give up the window seat just for me, he says he always got to sit by the window.
Then it was time for take off, it was kinda scary I guess, I didn't want to admit it to Mika, but he knew I was scared because I buried my face in his chest.

"I don't like this one single bit." I said into his chest.

"Don't worry, it's not that bad. See I got you." Mika wrapped his arms around me.

"Don't let go."

"I won't."



I ended up falling asleep on the way there, and guess what. He kept that promise.

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