Chapter 8

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When Santana walked out of the locker room she didn't expect to bump into the two blondes, but when she did looked up. She didn't know if it was the lack of stress cause of what's going with Quinn or if it was the lack of not eating. Cause what she saw or what she at least she thinks she saw after she bumped into the two blondes was two Quinns? Or maybe it was her glasses? But it can't be her glasses, because she been wearing glasses for the last couple of years now. But she is due for an eye exam, but hopefully the contacts will work. But two Quinn? What? She know she ain't going crazy. Yeah worrying what's going on between herself and Quinn, and worrying about if she made the team or not. But that's not the only thing she is worrying about. She still was trying to process was really going on with Brittany and Rachel. Rachel never had mention anything about liking girls or maybe she didn't won't anybody to find out. Maybe she can talk to her later to find out what's going on between the two. After all they are good friends. Before she can even process anything she blanked out.

Quinn on the other hand after she left the gym earlier, she didn't expect for her sister to find her in the hallways, but she did. And when she saw her she just ran into her arms. It only been a couple of times when Quinn only hug Charlie like this and it only because she's really serious about something that's bugging her.

"Hey Quinine is everything ok?" Charlie asked the younger twin, but she couldn't hear what she was saying because she was talking into her neck. So when Charlie pulled away from Quinn to understand what she was saying. She decided to find a empty classroom so they could talk privately.

Once they enter the classroom Charlie pulled a chair for her and Quinn to sit down and waited for Quinn to repeat what she said just a few minutes ago.

"IthinkIlikethatgirlIbumpedintoyesterdayinthehallway." Quinn said really that fast that Charlie didn't quite understand what she said

"I'm sorry what you just said and say it slower?" Charlie asked what a confused look

"Yesterday you remember when we was in the hallway walking to second period?" Quinn asked Charlie as she received a nod to continue. "Well the girl I knocked over had forgot about her glasses and I followed her into the restroom and I really don't know but it's just something about that dorky nerdy style that's she's has that I like about her." Quinn said to her looking away but Charlie had got her attention by putting her hand on her thigh.

"Are you trying to figure out if you like her or not?" Charlie asked her. She knew she likes girls after she had sex with Puck, Finn, Sam, and a couple of older college guys, but she isn't a whore, she just like having sex with guys and girls.

"I know I like her, we spent most of the day together yesterday and I think we hit it off, but I'm with Drew and ugh why is everything is so fucking confusing!" Quinn said getting frustrated with herself. The only thing that really been on her mind all day is Santana. She can't stop thinking about her, that first kiss last night in the mall, or the kiss this morning in the choir room. She really likes that kiss this morning. It was like the perfect first kiss, she wish all her kisses was like that or maybe because Santana never really kissed anybody or that she was in control.

"Hey Quinn is ok, I understand where you coming from, I really do. But when what's the last time you saw her? Charlie asked her. She just wanna help her sister with her feelings. When she came to her sexuality she had Brittany, but really she wanted Brittany.

Quinn really don't wanna tell her yet, but she thinks she got to. "This morning after we kiss, well after I kissed her and then I ran." Quinn said in a low voice. She really didn't know why she ran out or why she's was avoiding Santana, but one thing for sure she really likes Santana and it not just a crush. Before she had another thought in her head Charlie had broke out with a what.

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