Chapter 8

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Barry was acting weird. I saw him in the coffee shop the other day talking with Iris about something. He seemed really...angry. And when he spotted me he ran off. I asked Iris what was up as I clocked in and she just shrugged, and mumbled something about getting back to work. Was I missing something? I don't know, but it must've been act super weird week. On a high note, I saw Oliver Queen. And oh my god, if I didn't like Barry so much I would be in love with that billionaire.

I was walking back to my apartment, texting Iris about plans for next week when I got another text. It was from Barry. He said "Meet me in your apartment. NOW." I figured something was wrong so I ran there. I climbed the stairs and by the top, I was out of breath. Note to self: GET MORE EXERCISE. I unlocked my door and saw Barry there, that same angry look still evident on his face. He turned to me and I saw his eyes soften a little. I smiled and said "Did you need something or were you just trying to be creepy?" I asked and he gave me a small smile. I raised my eyebrow and he said "I, uh, I'm sorry. About the whole library incident." I felt angry at him. That's all he had to say. "Wow Barry. That makes me feel so much better and just solves all my problems. Why don't you just kiss me again, to make everything better?" I said, raising my hands in frustration.

His eyes went red before he blew up at me. "You know what Summer? I'm so tired of you whining about everything. You whine about how you can't remember, how your life sucks. And I'm so tired of hearing about your brother. Just move on already! I lost my mom and you think that hasn't impacted me? You're so frustrating and I hate you!" He screamed and that was the final straw.

"GET OUT! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU EVER AGAIN!" I screamed, slamming the door in his face. The second he left, I collapsed on the floor in tears. Why? That was the only question my brain could ask. I started to feel lightheaded but I pushed away the weird feeling. I cried even harder, and that was where I stayed for the rest of the night.


I went to work the next morning. I had a blank expression on my face and whenever someone would ask if I was okay, I would just shrug. No, I wasn't. And it wasn't helping that the weird lightheaded feeling wasn't going away. Every time I stood up, the feeling would hit me. I was bustling around, handing people their coffees, when I glanced up at the counter to see the person I hated most. Barry Allen. He was talking to Iris, like everything was just fine. Did he not care? He must not. He also must not care about how much his words impacted me. As I was making my way back to the counter, the lightheaded feeling intensified. I started to see stars across my vision and before I could react, I saw black.

I woke up in the hospital. Or, I assumed it was the hospital. There were bright lights and it smelled really clean. Like, too clean. I cracked open one eye and saw that I was, in fact, in a hospital. Iris was asleep on the chair next to my bed. A nurse walked in and smiled. "Hi there honey. I'm glad to see you're awake. Do you feel fine?" She asked, with a hint of a southern accent. I nodded and tried to say something. She stopped me before I could. "Wait, before you talk, drink some water. You've been out for a week, and you need to be hydrated." My eyes almost popped out of my head. A week! I just nodded and grabbed the glass of water. At that moment, Iris woke up. She looked at me sleepily, before realizing what had happened.

"Summer! Oh my god, you're awake." She said, just repeating that over and over. I smiled and tried to calm her down. "Iris I'm fine!" I said, grabbing her hands to stop them from shaking. She just looked up at me, the tears in her eyes glistening. "I just, I was scared. You passed out in the middle of Jitters, and when the ambulance got there, they said you might not wake up. It was like Barry all over again. Then, they said if you did wake up, you might not be able to remember anything ever again. I just can't lose you." She said bursting into tears. I pulled her into an awkward hug, since I was still sitting on the bed and she was sitting in the chair. Still, I think she appreciated it. Her sobs turned into sniffles and she pulled out of my embrace.

"Barry was supposed to be here. I don't know where he is though." Iris said and I felt a stab in the heart. "No. Tell him not to come." I said and Iris looked at me quizzically. "Uh what? He's been visiting everyday since you passed out. Why do you not want him to come?" She asked and I wanted to cry and scream at the same time. Cry, because he visited me and that helped me realize that he cared a little. And scream, because I honestly hated his guts right now. "I don't want to see him, okay?" I said, the anger dripping into my voice a little. She looked a little shocked before nodding and looking down at her phone. I sat back a little, and soon, I was in dreamland.


"Aren't they beautiful?" The young brown haired boy, Barry, asked me. He was laying on the grass, staring up at the stars. I smiled and nodded. "Someday, I'm going to discover all of the secrets the universe holds." He said and I giggled. "I know you will Barry."

He turned to me and smiled. "I will. And I will find a star and name it Summer, just for you. So when you look up at the stars, you can always remember me. And I can always remember you." I hugged him and smiled. "Thank you Barry." I said and he tightened his arms around me.

"Anything for you."


I sat up, gasping for breath. I gripped my head and shook it a little. These weird dreams had been happening for a few days, but they were so vivid. They seemed more like memories. But that was impossible, the doctors said I wouldn't ever remember. I guess sometimes, the impossible is possible.

I realized there was another person in the hospital room, and I turned to look who it was. He smiled at me and I narrowed my eyes. "I really need to have a talk with Iris about what the word no means." I whispered under my breath, before focusing all of my attention on him. "I thought I told you that I didn't ever want to see you again. Or did you just not hear me the first time?" I said calmly, but there was venom beneath my words. He flinched a little and I just wanted to forgive him for everything in that moment. But then I remembered what he said, and I forgot about forgiving him.

He sighed and stood up. He tried to take a step towards my hospital bed but I stopped him before he could. "Oh no. You don't get to try and win me back, mister. You need to leave right now or I will call security." I said, not kidding one bit. He must've realized that I was being serious because he started walking towards the door. But before he left, he turned around and said "Anything for you."

A/N: So this is really late. Whoops. Well, I hope you like this late update anyways. I promise, that I will start to update sooner, it's just that school sucks and UGHHH. Anyways, what did you guys think of this chapter? It was really intense but don't worry, Barry and Summer are not over. ;)

Leave a comment and vote to tell me what you think. Updates will start to become regular again (probably every week) so thank you for all the reads. (omg 200 what) Thanks so much and I hope you liked this story! 

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